March 23, 2020 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order and Roll Call
The March regular meeting of the Board of Education was called to order by ____________ at _______ pm with the following persons present: MEMBERS: ____Jackie Bowen ____Rod Detweiler ____Barb Eash ____Margaret Miller ____TJ Reed ____Jeff Troyer ____Larry Walton STAFF PRESENT: ___Stephanie Lemmer ___Juanita Miller ___Chad Brady ___Mark VanderKlok ___Jane Rumsey ___Barb Lester ___Cathy Carpenter ___Phillip Heasley (KRESA) VISITORS PRESENT: |
2. Guest & Visitor Comments
3. Acceptance of Consent Agenda
BACKGROUND: As a good practice, the board should accept the consent agenda for the evening's meeting, which includes minutes of the March 9 work session and the February financial reports. RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the superintendent that the consent agenda be reviewed and accepted. MOTION BY _____________________________; SECONDED BY _______________________ BE IT RESOLVED that the Centreville Board of Education approve / not approve the consent agenda as presented. ROLL CALL / VOICE VOTE: AYES: BOWEN, DETWEILER, EASH, MILLER, REED, TROYER, WALTON NAYS: BOWEN, DETWEILER, EASH, MILLER, REED, TROYER, WALTON MOTION CARRIED / DEFEATED
4. Superintendent's Report
Superintendent's Report
a. District b. Legislative c. Calendar - for a complete calendar go to |
5. Bond Resolution - Phase 3 Bonds
BACKGROUND: The BOE needs to approve issuing the third and final series of bonds for Phase 3 of the 2013 millage project as outlined in the attached resolution. The principal sum of these bonds is not to exceed $5,395,000. RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the superintendent to approve the attached resolution. MOTION BY ____________________________; SECONDED BY ________________________ BE IT RESOLVED that the Centreville Board of Education approve / not approve the attached resolution as presented for issuing the third and final series of bonds designated 2020 School Building and Site Bonds, Series III. ROLL CALL / VOICE VOTE: AYES: BOWEN, DETWEILER, EASH, MILLER, REED, TROYER, WALTON NAYS: BOWEN, DETWEILER, EASH, MILLER, REED, TROYER, WALTON MOTION CARRIED / DEFEATED
6. Guest & Visitor Comments
7. Adjournment
MOTION BY ___________________________; SECONDED BY _______________________ BE IT RESOLVED that the Centreville Board of Education adjourn the meeting at ________pm. ROLL CALL / VOICE VOTE: AYES: BOWEN, DETWEILER, EASH, MILLER, REED, TROYER, WALTON AYES: BOWEN, DETWEILER, EASH, MILLER, REED, TROYER, WALTON MOTION CARRIED / DEFEATED |