July 8, 2019 at 6:30 PM - Organizational Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order and Roll Call
The organizational meeting of the Board of Education was called to order by ____________ at _______ pm with the following persons present:
MEMBERS PRESENT: ___Jackie Bowen ___Rod Detweiler ___Barb Eash ___Margaret Miller ___TJ Reed ___Jeff Troyer ___Larry Walton STAFF PRESENT: ____Stephanie Lemmer ___Juanita Miller ___Jane Rumsey ___Barb Lester ___Phillip Heasley (KRESA) ___Mark VanderKlok ___Chad Brady VISITORS PRESENT: |
2. Guest and Visitor Comments
3. Acceptance of Consent Agenda
BACKGROUND: As a good practice, the board should accept the consent agenda for the evening's meeting which includes the minutes of the June 28 regular meeting (open and closed). Please note the June financial report is not yet available. RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the superintendent that the consent agenda be reviewed and accepted. MOTION BY _____________________________; SECONDED BY _______________________ BE IT RESOLVED that the Centreville Board of Education approve / not approve the consent agenda, as presented. ROLL CALL / VOICE VOTE: AYES: BOWEN, DETWEILER, EASH, MILLER, REED, TROYER, WALTON NAYS: BOWEN, DETWEILER, EASH, MILLER, REED, TROYER, WALTON MOTION CARRIED / DEFEATED
4. State Aid Note
BACKGROUND: The BOE needs to approve the State Aid Operating Loan Resolution allowing the district to borrow money ($7,182,947) for school operations for the 2019-20 school year. RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent and Phillip Heasley that the Board of Education approve the State Aid Operating Loan Resolution as attached. MOTION BY _____________________________; SECONDED BY _________________________ BE IT RESOLVED that the Centreville Board of Education approve / not approve the State Aid Operating Loan Resolution as presented. ROLL CALL / VOICE VOTE: AYES: BOWEN, DETWEILER, EASH, MILLER, REED, TROYER, WALTON NAYS: BOWEN, DETWEILER, EASH, MILLER, REED, TROYER, WALTON MOTION CARRIED / DEFEATED
5. Contract Approval - Aides
BACKGROUND: Negotiations were recently completed with the aides and their contract is presented for approval. It grants them a 1% increase and a step for 2019-20, and a 2% increase and a step for 2020-21. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the 2019-21 Aides contract as attached. MOTION BY _________________________; SECONDED BY __________________________ BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education approve / not approve the 2019-21 Aides contract as attached. ROLL CALL / VOICE VOTE: AYES: BOWEN, DETWEILER, EASH, MILLER, REED, TROYER, WALTON NAYS: BOWEN, DETWEILER, EASH, MILLER, REED, TROYER, WALTON MOTION CARRIED / DEFEATED
6. Contract Approval - Administrative Assistant
BACKGROUND: Negotiations were recently completed with the administrative assistants and their contract is presented for approval. It grants them a 1% increase and a step for 2019-20, and a 2% increase and a step for 2020-21. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the 2019-21 Administrative Assistants' contract as attached. MOTION BY _________________________; SECONDED BY __________________________ BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education approve / not approve the 2019-21 Administrative Assistants' contract as attached. ROLL CALL / VOICE VOTE: AYES: BOWEN, DETWEILER, EASH, MILLER, REED, TROYER, WALTON NAYS: BOWEN, DETWEILER, EASH, MILLER, REED, TROYER, WALTON MOTION CARRIED / DEFEATED
7. Contract Approval - Custodial
BACKGROUND: Negotiations were recently completed with the custodians and their contract is presented for approval. It grants them a 1% increase and a step for 2019-20, and a 2% increase and a step for 2020-21. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the 2019-21 Custodial contract as attached. MOTION BY _________________________; SECONDED BY __________________________ BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education approve / not approve the 2019-21 Custodial contract as attached. ROLL CALL / VOICE VOTE: AYES: BOWEN, DETWEILER, EASH, MILLER, REED, TROYER, WALTON NAYS: BOWEN, DETWEILER, EASH, MILLER, REED, TROYER, WALTON MOTION CARRIED / DEFEATED
8. New Position Approval - 2nd Grade Teacher
BACKGROUND: There are currently 53 students enrolled in the second grade, with 48% being school of choice. A third section is necessary based on enrollment projections in order to maintain attractive class sizes and meet the needs of the student population. RECOMMENDATION: The superintendent and elementary principal recommend approval to post for an additional 2nd grade teacher. MOTION BY___________________________; SECONDED BY_______________________ BE IT RESOLVED that the Centreville Board of Education approve / not approve a posting for an additional 2nd grade teacher for the 2019-20 school year. ROLL CALL / VOICE VOTE: AYES: BOWEN, DETWEILER, EASH, MILLER, REED, TROYER, WALTON NAYS: BOWEN, DETWEILER, EASH, MILLER, REED, TROYER, WALTON MOTION CARRIED / DEFEATED |
9. Resignation - Angie Saltzman
BACKGROUND: Angie Saltzman, elementary special education teacher, has submitted the attached resignation letter. Angie has been with the district for 14 years, and has accepted a newly formed position with the ISD. RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the superintendent to accept the resignation of Angie Saltzman, and give permission to the elementary principal to seek a replacement for this position. MOTION BY_________________________; SECONDED BY _______________________ BE IT RESOLVED that the Centreville Board of Education accept / not accept the resignation of Angie Saltzman and give permission to the elementary principal to seek a replacement for that position. ROLL CALL / VOICE VOTE: AYES: BOWEN, DETWEILER, EASH, MILLER, REED, TROYER, WALTON NAYS: BOWEN, DETWEILER, EASH, MILLER, REED, TROYER, WALTON MOTION CARRIED / DEFEATED
10. Overnight Event Approval
BACKGROUND: BOE approval is necessary for trips/events which take students more than 150 miles one way from the district or are planned to keep students out of the district overnight or longer. Rob Collins, cross country coach, is requesting approval for the cross country team to attend team camp at Fort Custer August 18-20, 2019. The activity request is attached. RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the athletic directors, the jr/sr high school principal, and the superintendent to approve this request. MOTION BY __________________________; SECONDED BY__________________________ BE IT RESOLVED that the Centreville Board of Education approve / not approve the cross country request to attend team camp at Fort Custer August 18-19, 2019. ROLL CALL / VOICE VOTE: AYES: BOWEN, DETWEILER, EASH, MILLER, REED, TROYER, WALTON NAYS: BOWEN, DETWEILER, EASH, MILLER, REED, TROYER, WALTON MOTION CARRIED / DEFEATED
11. Athletic Code Approval
BACKGROUND: The athletic department and district administration have updated the athletic code and it is presented for approval. RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the athletic department and district administration to approve the Athletic Code as presented. MOTION BY ____________________________; SECONDED BY__________________________ BE IT RESOLVED that the Centreville Board of Education approve / not approve the Athletic Code as presented. ROLL CALL / VOICE VOTE: AYES: BOWEN, DETWEILER, EASH, MILLER, REED, TROYER, WALTON NAYS: BOWEN, DETWEILER, EASH, MILLER, REED, TROYER, WALTON MOTION CARRIED / DEFEATED
12. Selection of Depository for District Funds for 2019-20
BACKGROUND: The depository for fund accounts, as well as designations of authorized signees for the fund accounts, needs to be established for the 2019-20 school year. The proposed list is attached. RECOMMENDATION: Designate the depository and signees for fund accounts as attached. MOTION BY _____________________________; SECONDED BY _________________________ BE IT RESOLVED that the Centreville Board of Education approve / not approve the attached list of depositories for fund accounts and designations of the authorized signees as attached. ROLL CALL / VOICE VOTE: AYES: BOWEN, DETWEILER, EASH, MILLER, REED, TROYER, WALTON NAYS: BOWEN, DETWEILER, EASH, MILLER, REED, TROYER, WALTON MOTION CARRIED / DEFEATED |
13. Compensation for Board Members
BACKGROUND: The current compensation for Board members is $30 per board meeting and $10 per committee meeting. The President, Secretary and Treasurer receive an additional $150 per year. RECOMMENDATION: Approve compensation for Board members at current rates. MOTION BY _______________________________; SECONDED BY _______________________ BE IT RESOLVED that the Centreville Board of Education approve / not approve compensation for Board members for the 2019-20 school year at the current rates. ROLL CALL / VOICE VOTE: AYES: BOWEN, DETWEILER, EASH, MILLER, REED, TROYER, WALTON NAYS: BOWEN, DETWEILER, EASH, MILLER, REED, TROYER, WALTON MOTION CARRIED / DEFEATED |
14. Appointment of Attorneys of Record
BACKGROUND: Each year the district needs to appoint its Attorney(s) of Record. The school has been working with Thrun Law Firm of Lansing and Clark Hill PLC of Grand Rapids. RECOMMENDATION: Appoint Thrun Lawn Firm and Clark Hill PLC as Attorneys of Record. MOTION BY ________________________; SECONDED BY __________________________ BE IT RESOLVED that the Centreville Board of Education appoint / not appoint Thrun Law Firm and Clark Hill PLC as the district's Attorneys of Record for the 2019-20 school year. ROLL CALL / VOICE VOTE: AYES: BOWEN, DETWEILER, EASH, MILLER, REED, TROYER, WALTON NAYS: BOWEN, DETWEILER, EASH, MILLER, REED, TROYER, WALTON MOTION CARRIED / DEFEATED |
15. Appointment of Auditor
BACKGROUND: Each year the district is required by law to have its financial records and record keeping practices audited by an independent firm. Norman & Paulsen have been contracted for audit services for the year ending June 30, 2019. RECOMMENDATION: Appoint Norman & Paulsen as the district's official auditor to complete the 2018-19 school year audit. MOTION BY _____________________________; SECONDED BY _________________________ BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education appoint / not appoint Norman & Paulsen as the district's official auditor for the 2018-19 school year audit. ROLL CALL / VOICE VOTE: AYES: BOWEN, DETWEILER, EASH, MILLER, REED, TROYER, WALTON NAYS: BOWEN, DETWEILER, EASH, MILLER, REED, TROYER, WALTON MOTION CARRIED / DEFEATED |
16. Appointment of Architect of Record
BACKGROUND: Tower Pinkster Titus Associates of Kalamazoo is currently serving as the school's Architect of Record. The appointment needs to be extended through the 2019-20 school year. RECOMMENDATION: Appoint Tower Pinkster Titus Associates as Architect of Record for the 2019-20 school year. MOTION BY _____________________________; SECONDED BY_________________________ BE IT RESOLVED that the Centreville Board of Education appoint / not appoint Tower Pinkster Titus Associates of Kalamazoo as the district's Architect of Record for the 2019-20 school year. ROLL CALL / VOICE VOTE: AYES: BOWEN, DETWEILER, EASH, MILLER, REED, TROYER, WALTON NAYS: BOWEN, DETWEILER, EASH, MILLER, REED, TROYER, WALTON MOTION CARRIED / DEFEATED |
17. Designation of Official Publication
BACKGROUND: Throughout the school year the district is required to publish public notices for a variety of topics. The BOE must officially designate a newspaper in which it will publish such notices. The Sturgis Journal currently serves as the district's official publication. There are 257 district households with a Sturgis zip code and 98 with a Three Rivers zip code. RECOMMENDATION: Designate the Sturgis Journal as the district's official publication. MOTION BY ____________________________; SECONDED BY __________________________ BE IT RESOLVED that the Centreville Board of Education designate / not designate the Sturgis Journal as its official publication for the 2019-20 school year. ROLL CALL / VOICE VOTE: AYES: BOWEN, DETWEILER, EASH, MILLER, REED, TROYER, WALTON NAYS: BOWEN, DETWEILER, EASH, MILLER, REED, TROYER, WALTON MOTION CARRIED / DEFEATED |
18. Schedule of Regular School Board Meetings
BACKGROUND: The BOE needs to establish its meeting schedule for the 2019-20 school year. The Board has traditionally met on the fourth Monday of each month. Work sessions/committee meetings have been scheduled for the second Monday of the month. RECOMMENDATIONS: The Board should review the attached meeting schedule, make any necessary adjustments and approve the list of dates. Please note that May 26 is NOT the 4th Monday, but is a Tuesday to accommodate the Memorial Day holiday on May 25th. Also, only one meeting is scheduled for December. MOTION BY _____________________________; SECONDED BY ________________________ BE IT RESOLVED by the Centreville Board of Education establish / not establish the attached dates for regular Board of Education meetings and work sessions/committee meetings for 2019-20. ROLL CALL / VOICE VOTE: AYES: BOWEN, DETWEILER, EASH, MILLER, REED, TROYER, WALTON NAYS: BOWEN, DETWEILER, EASH, MILLER, REED, TROYER, WALTON MOTION CARRIED / DEFEATED
19. SJC SBA Executive Committee Member & Alternate
BACKGROUND: The ISD requests each year that we appoint a board member and alternate to serve on the St. Joseph County School Board Association Executive Committee. Last year Eash was the delegate and Miller was the alternate. RECOMMENDATION: Seek a volunteer(s) and appoint. MOTION BY: ____________________________ to appoint _______________________ as delegate and ________________________ as alternate; SECONDED BY ___________________ BE IT RESOLVED that the Centreville Board of Education appoint _______________________ as the SJC School Board Executive Committee Member and ____________________________ as the alternate for the 2019-20 school year. ROLL CALL / VOICE VOTE: AYES: BOWEN, DETWEILER, EASH, MILLER, REED, TROYER, WALTON NAYS: BOWEN, DETWEILER, EASH, MILLER, REED, TROYER, WALTON MOTION CARRIED / DEFEATED |
20. MASB Delegate Assembly
BACKGROUND: Each year the board is asked to appoint a board member to represent them as a voting delegate and an alternate at the annual MASB Delegate Assembly scheduled for November 8-11, 2019 at the Grand Traverse Resort in Traverse City. Last year Detweiler was the delegate and Eash was the alternate. RECOMMENDATION: Appoint a board member to the delegate assembly. MOTION BY ___________________________ to appoint _____________________ as voting delegate and ____________________ as alternate; SECONDED BY ____________________ BE IT RESOLVED that the Centreville Board of Education appoint ______________________ as voting delegate and _________________________ as alternative to the 2019-20 Delegate Assembly. ROLL CALL / VOICE VOTE: AYES: BOWEN, DETWEILER, EASH, MILLER, REED, TROYER, WALTON NAYS: BOWEN, DETWEILER, EASH, MILLER, REED, TROYER, WALTON MOTION CARRIED / DEFEATED |
21. Meeting Open to the Public
22. Adjournment
MOTION BY ___________________________; SECONDED BY _______________________ BE IT RESOLVED that the Centreville Board of Education adjourn the meeting at ________pm. ROLL CALL / VOICE VOTE: AYES: BOWEN, DETWEILER, EASH, MILLER, REED, TROYER, WALTON NAYS: BOWEN, DETWEILER, EASH, MILLER, REED, TROYER, WALTON MOTION CARRIED / DEFEATED |