October 9, 2017 at 6:30 PM - Work Session
Agenda |
1. Call to Order and Roll Call
The October work session of the Board of Education was called to order by ____________ at _______ pm with the following persons present:
MEMBERS: ___Heather Bright ___Rod Detweiler ___Barb Eash ___Margaret Miller ___TJ Reed ___Jeff Troyer ___Larry Walton STAFF PRESENT: ___Stephanie Lemmer ___Juanita Miller ___Becky Stauffer ___Matt Hawkins ___Jane Rumsey ___Barb Lester ___Stephanie Walker (ISD) VISITORS PRESENT: |
2. Guest and Visitor Comments
3. Acceptance of Consent Agenda
BACKGROUND: As a good practice, the board should accept the consent agenda for the evening's meeting. RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the superintendent that the consent agenda be reviewed and accepted. MOTION BY _____________________________; SECONDED BY _______________________ BE IT RESOLVED that the Centreville Board of Education approve / not approve the consent agenda. VOICE / ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: BRIGHT, DETWEILER, EASH, MILLER, REED, TROYER, WALTON NAYS: BRIGHT, DETWEILER, EASH, MILLER, REED, TROYER, WALTON MOTION CARRIED / DEFEATED |
4. Baseball/Softball fields
Superintendent Lemmer will present bids for the proposed baseball/softball field upgrades and facilitate a 10 minute discussion about next steps.
5. Superintendent Evaluation Timeline
Superintendent Lemmer will present the timeline for her evaluation and answer any questions that you might have. (10 minutes)
6. Measuring Student Growth
Superintendent Lemmer will present a proposal for how student growth will be measured for the 2017-2018 which accounts for 25% of teacher, administrator, and superintendent evaluation. (20 minutes)
7. Meeting Open to the Public
8. Adjournment
MOTION BY ___________________________; SECONDED BY _______________________ BE IT RESOLVED that the Centreville Board of Education adjourn the meeting at ________pm. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: BRIGHT, DETWEILER, EASH, MILLER, REED, TROYER, WALTON AYES: BRIGHT, DETWEILER, EASH, MILLER, REED, TROYER, WALTON MOTION CARRIED / DEFEATED |