June 22, 2023 at 2:00 PM - Called Board Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order - Mr. Robert Clemons, Board President / Presiding Officer
In accordance with the Open Meetings Act, Section 551.127, a governmental body that extends into three or more counties may meet by videoconference call only if the member of the governmental body presiding over the meeting is physically present at one location of the meeting. The notice must specify the location, which is open to the public during the open portions of the meeting, as well as state the intent to have the member of the governing body presiding over the meeting present there. |
I.A. Roll Call
I.B. Declare a Quorum
I.C. RMA's Mission Statement:
"Empowering Students to Graduate, Prepared to Exceed All Expectations" |
III.A. Review and Approval of the Financial Amendment for 2022-2023 Functional Expenditures - Tammy Padilla, Chief Financial Officer
III.B. Consider and possible action regarding the proposed Resolution to Purchase Real Property.
Property for real property, surface and/or improvements thereto, which includes approximately 4.02 acres located at 5051 Trail Lake Drive and 5401 Woodway Drive, Fort Worth, Texas 76133 more fully described as: Tract 1: WEDGWOOD ADDITION Block 40 Lot AR1 1.21 ACRES Tract 2: WEDGWOOD ADDITION Block 39 Lot 13R 2.70 ACRES which includes but is not limited to possible delegation of authority to Superintendent/designee to take all actions necessary to purchase the property, including relevant inspections by professionals or other inspectors, and tender all costs associated with the transaction.- Carl Tanton, Executive Director of School Operations and Facilities |
This portion of the meeting may be closed to all but essential as deemed necessary by the Board (Ref. Texas Gov't. Codes, §551.071 - §551.084) |
IV.A. Pursuant to Texas Government Code sections 551.072, 551.071, and 551.129, seek advice from legal counsel and/or discussion related to the purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property for and/or legal requirements related to same for the approximately 4.02 acres located at 5051 Trail Lake Drive and 5401 Woodway Drive, Fort Worth, Texas 76133 of real property (more fully described in the open session item in the Board’s agenda).
The Board will reconvene from closed session for action relative to items considered during closed session. |
1. First Board Meeting for the 2023-2024 School Year - Thursday, July 27th at 1:00 P.M. 2. 2023-2024 Convocation - Monday, August 7th - Friday, August 11th - Houston |