April 15, 2019 at 7:00 PM - April Board of Education Meeting
Agenda |
1. Opening Procedures
1.1. Call meeting to order
Executive/Closed Session may be necessary during this meeting for either: 1) Protection of the public interest; or, 2) The prevention of needless injury to the reputation of an individual, and if the individual has not requested a public meeting. A copy of the “Open Meetings Act,” is posted within the meeting room for the public. Recognition of Visitors: The Board of Education encourages citizens to take advantage of the opportunity to address the Board at its regular meetings. Such opportunities will ordinarily be limited to the, “Communications from the Public” section of the meeting. When there are several persons who wish to address the Board at a meeting, the Board President shall have the authority to limit the amount of time provided to each speaker. In compliance with Nebraska statute 84-1412 the Open Meetings Act is posted within the meeting room. |
1.2. Roll Call
Excuse absent board members
1.3. Acknowledge meeting notice and announcement
1.4. Approve agenda
1.5. Communication from the Public
1.6. Approval of Consent Agenda
Previous Meetings Minutes General Fund Claims in the amount of $98,342.83 Lunch Fund Claims in the amount of $11,187.23 Depreciation Fund Claims in the amount of $ Special Building Fund Claims in the amount of $ Payroll expenditures in the amount of $391,632.27 Financial Reports Correspondence to the Board and Accommodations:
1.7. Items Removed From the Consent Agenda
1.7.1. N/A
1.7.2. N/A
2. Discussion Items
1) Calendar Amendment
2) Classified Negotiations Options 3) Summer Student Workers 4) Summer Office Hours 5) Additional Maintenance/Custodial Staffing 6) Door Security Options 7) Outdoor Facility Options |
3. Matters Requiring Board Action
3.1. Consideration and possible action to amend the 2018-2019 school calendar to account for weather days used in excess of the three built into the calendar.
The Administration's recommendation is to add one additional student day and one additional staff day to get certified staff up to 185 contract days. This places the final student day on Tuesday the 21st of May and the final Certified Staff day to Thursday the 23rd of May.
3.2. Consideration and possible action to approve the Classified Negotiations settlement with staff for the 2019-2020 school year.
The Negotiations Committee will have a recommendation for the entire Board to consider regarding Classified Negotiations.
3.3. Consideration and possible action to review and approve policies 4050-4056.
This will complete our review of policies through the 4000's. This leaves just two sections of policy review to complete by June of 2020, should be no problem. There are no changes to these policies recommended by the Administration.
4. Reports
4.1. Administrative Reports
Mr. Page: Legislature, Budget Process, Transition Mr. Schroeder: Mrs. Sieh: |
4.2. Technology
1) Door Security
2) Summer Projects |
4.3. Assessments
1) Testing Updates and Schedules
4.4. School Improvement
1) CIP Updates
4.5. Facilities
1) Summer Projects
2) Outside Building and Grounds Planning 3) Outside Athletic Facilities Planning |
4.6. Transportation
1) Bus and vehicle update
2) Indoor parking for school vehicles |
4.7. Negotiations
Classified package work
Ideas for addressing contract days missed in the future |
4.8. Extra Curricular
1) 2019-2020 AD position and compensation for activity coverage
2) Extra Duty list for 2019-2020 provided in June 3) Report on pilot programs regarding filming of basketball practices and peer support/ peer advocate programs implemented this season in basketball. Implementation plans for all sports in the 2019-2020 school year regarding peer support/ peer advocate programs, winter sports appraisals, and planning for improved filming options in gyms moving forward. |
4.9. Board of Education
1) Graduation
2) Transportation Committee Meeting date 3) July Board Meeting |
5. Announcements
5.1. Next regular meeting: Monday, May 13 @ 7:00 p.m. in the Freeman Media Center
Freeman Media Center, 7:00 p.m., Monday, May 13th.
6. Adjournment