November 16, 2021 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call meeting to order
II. Invocation and Pledges to Allegiance
III. Recognitions
IV. Public comments and/or comments related to posted agenda items.
V. Consent Agenda
V.A. Review approval of minutes:
V.A.1. Regular meeting of October 19, 2021
V.A.2. Special meeting of November 9, 2021
V.B. Consider approval of overnight trips.
V.B.1. SWHS Boys Soccer to Brownsville, Texas
V.B.2. SWHS Softball to Bryan College Station, Texas
V.B.3. SWHS and SWLHS Choir to McAllen, Texas
V.C. Board amendment
V.D. Consider approval of school bus purchase
V.E. Consider approval of technology purchase
V.F. Consider approval of external auditing services
VI. Items of Information
VI.A. Construction update
VI.B. Monthly Tax Report
VI.C. Monthly Financial Report
VI.D. Monthly Investment Report
VI.E. Report on Gifts & Bequests
VI.F. Enrollment Report
VI.G. Review Purchases Over $50,000
VI.H. Calendar of Events
VI.I. DEC Local Policy Update
VI.J. Policy 118 Update
VI.K. 20th annual Blue Santa Parade and community celebration.
VI.L. AlamoPROMISE 2021.
VII. Superintendent
VII.A. Superintendent's recommendations on personnel and administrator employment, resignations, reassignments, leaves of absence, contract renewals
VII.B. Consider voting by resolution for the Bexar Appraisal District Board of Directors, 2022-2023 term.
VII.C. Pursuant to Texas Government Code §551.072, Deliberation Regarding Real Property.
VII.D. Consider approval of Southwest ISD Scholarship Committee Recommendations for 2021-2022.
VIII. Administration & Human Resources
VIII.A. Consider approval of an increased substitute pay rate
IX. Business & Finance
IX.A. Consider approval of 2020-2021 District Financial Audit
IX.B. Consider approval of the 2021 Certified Tax Roll
IX.C. Consider approval of ESSER II plan and amendment
IX.D. Consider approval of ESSER III plan and amendment
IX.E. Consider approval of change order #2 for the Middle School Track Projects
IX.F. Consider approval of 2021-2022 capital improvement projects
IX.G. Consider approval of joint election
X. Curriculum & Instruction
X.A. Consider approval of purchase from Ed Direction.
X.B. Consider approval of 2021-2022 EIC Local policy updates.
XI. Closed Session
As permitted by Sections, 551.001-551.146 of the Texas Government Code (the Open Meetings Law). |
XI.A. Pursuant to Texas Government Code 551.074, discussion on personnel and administrator employment, resignations, reassignments, leaves of absence, contract renewals.
XI.B. In Accordance with Texas Government Code, Section 551.072 Deliberation Regarding Real Property
XII. Convene in Open Session and take appropriate action on items discussed in Closed Session.
XIII. Other Business
XIV. Adjournment