May 19, 2015 at 6:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
I.A. Announcement by the president whether a quorum is present, that the meeting has been duly called and notice of meeting has been posted for the time and manner required by law.
I.B. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance
II. Recognition
II.A. Recognition of Bowie and Lamar Writing Competition Winners
II.B. Recognition of Six Grade Center UIL Winners
II.C. Robotics Team Recognition - World Championship Competition
II.D. 2015 Elementary and Secondary Teachers of the Year
III. Consider and Take Action on an Order by the Board of Trustees of Greenville Independent School District Canvassing Returns and Declaring the Results of a School Board of Trustees Election held in the Greenville Independent School District on May 9, 2015
IV. Oath of Office
IV.A. District 5 - John Kelso
IV.B. District 7 - Aaron Adel
V. Reorganization of the Board
V.A. Election of President Pro Tem
V.B. Election of the Board President
V.C. Election of the Vice-President of the Board of Trustees
V.D. Election of the Secretary of the Board of Trustees
V.E. Re-seat the Board
VI. Receive Individuals and /or Delegates
VII. Reports/Discussion Items
VII.A. Superintendent's Report
VII.A.I. Construction Management Report
VII.A.II. District News Update
VII.A.III. DI Globals
VII.A.IV. Spotlight on Engagement
VII.A.V. Flaming Flashes Book
VII.A.VI. Principal's Report
VII.A.VI.a. District Principal's Report
VII.A.VI.b. L.P. Waters Early Childhood Center
VII.A.VI.c. Bowie Elementary
VII.A.VI.d. Carver Elementary
VII.A.VI.e. Crockett Elementary
VII.A.VI.f. Lamar Elementary
VII.A.VI.g. Travis Elementary
VII.A.VI.h. Greenville Sixth Grade Center
VII.A.VI.i. Greenville Middle School
VII.A.VI.j. Greenville High School
VII.A.VI.k. Houston Education Center
VIII. Action and Discussion Items
VIII.A. Consider Approval of Instructional Materials or Technological Equipment Sale or Disposal Request
VIII.B. Consider Approval of Resolution of the Board Approving Examinations for Credit for Students in Grades 6-12 Who Have Had Prior Instruction
VIII.C. Consider Approval of Resolution of the Board of Trustees Approving Examinations for Acceleration or to Earn Credit without Prior Instruction
VIII.D. Consider Approval of Authorization to Adjust Summer School Program for Limited English Proficient (LEP) Students
VIII.E. Consider Approval of Resolution of the Board of Trustees to Approve Immediate Implementation of Senate Bill 149
VIII.F. Consider Approval of Purchase over $50,000 - Blackmon Mooring to Move Furniture for Summer Abatement
IX. Consent Agenda
IX.A. Monthly Financial Report
IX.B. Consider Approval of Renewal of Membership in Walsh Anderson's Retainer Program
IX.C. Consideration of Approval of Bid on Resale Property
IX.D. Consider Approval of E-Rate Funding
IX.E. Consider Approval of Vendor List
IX.F. Board Minutes for March 23, 2015, March 24, 2015, April 13, 2015, April 20, 2015 and April 21, 2015
X. Closed Session
X.A. Closed meeting will be held for the purposes authorized by the Texas open meetings Act, Texas Government Code Section 551.071 et seq. concerning any and all purposes permitted by the Act, including but not limited to the following sections and purposes:
X.A.I. Texas Government Code Section 551.071 Consultation with the board’s attorney on all subjects or matter authorized by law.
X.A.I.a. Consider legal advice regarding personnel issues.
X.A.I.b. Consider legal advice regarding any agenda action item.
X.A.II. Texas Government Code Section 551.072 To deliberate the purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property if deliberation in an open meeting would have a detrimental effect on the board's position in negotiations with a third person.
X.A.III. Texas Government Code Section 551.074 For the purpose of considering the appointment, employment, resignation, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, termination or dismissal of a public officer or employee.
X.A.III.a. Deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee to include extending term contracts, probationary contracts and/or Part-Time Educator Agreement to certified teachers, counselors, librarians, nurses, and diagnosticians.
X.A.III.b. Closed session pursuant to Section 551.074 of the Texas Government Code to deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee.
XI. Action on Closed Session Items
XI.A. Consideration and possible action regarding recommendations of the Superintendent to extend term contracts, probationary contracts and/or Part-Time Educator Agreement to certified teachers, counselors, librarians, nurses, and diagnosticians as identified in Exhibits A1-A11 as presented by the Superintendent.
XI.B. Consideration and possible action regarding recommendations of the Superintendent regarding Professional New Hires.
XII. Summer Board Meeting Calendar
XIII. Future Agenda Items
XIV. Adjournment