May 11, 2009 at 7:30 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Campus Reports
1.A. Student and Staff Recognition
Students-TMSCA State Qualifiers, Staff-Teachers of the Year from Each Campus
1.B. Ralls High School Campus Report
Chris Wade
Staff Development
1.C. Ralls Middle School Campus Report
Michael Allbright
Staff Development
1.D. Ralls Elementary School Campus Report
L'Rae Watson
Staff Development
1.E. EDGE Mentoring Report
Progress and Update
1.F. Athletic Report
Softball, Baseball, Track, Golf and Tennis and Update on UIL Activities--Calendar.
1.G. District Improvement Committee Report
Deanna Logan
April 22nd and May 6 Meetings
2. Routine Items
2.A. Approval of Minutes from previous Board Meeting
Minutes from meeting held on Thursday April 16, 2009 and the corrected minutes from March 9, 2009. Please read minutes for your approval.
2.B. Approval of Budget Amendments and Transfers
2.C. Monthly Financial Information
2.C.1. Revenue and Expenditures
2.C.2. Account Balances
2.C.2.a. Credit Card Statement
2.C.2.b. Bank Balances
2.D. Discussion/Approval of the following items:
2.D.1. Cafeteria Report
2.D.2. Tax Report
2.D.3. Transportation Report
2.D.4. Athletic Report
2.D.5. Telephone Analysis
2.D.6. Activity Report
2.D.7. Lorenzo Land Payment
2.D.8. Bills as Paid Report
3. New Business
3.A. Reorganization of the Ralls Board of Trustees.
If the board approves, I will lead the meeting at this time until the board elects a president. Once elected, the president will resume leadership and a vice president and secretary need to be elected.
3.B. Public Report on Third, Fifth and Eighth Grade Math TAKS Test.
The TAKS math scores are in for the 5th and 8th grade students. Mrs. Watson and Mr. Allbright will present and review the scores for the 2008-2009 school year.
3.C. One to One Computer Initiative Policy Review
Review and Update Policy for Computer Usage. I have changes made by administrators that I will share with you at the meeting.
3.D. Consideration/Approval to extend the Para-Professional pay schedule 5 more years.
We would like to extend the pay schedule 5 years in order to be able to offer several employees a pay increase over the next few years, who are and have been, at the maximum on the current schedule.
3.E. Report on Coaching Stipends and Days employed
3.F. First Reading of TASB Update 85
Update 85 addresses federal regulatory changes affecting the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), as well as other policy changes relating to disciplinary alternative education programs (DAEPs), criminal history checks of employees who work for entities that contract with the district, Internet safety, use of district vehicles, and board elections.
4. Personnel - May go into executive session.
4.A. Consideration/Approval to Hire:
Tim James - Athletic Director, Dianne James - Science teacher
4.B. Superintendent report on resignations of at-will and contractual personnel
4.C. Superintendent report on terminations of at-will personnel
4.D. Deliberation and possible action on either the renewal or termination, effective at the end of the contract period, of probationary contract personnel
4.E. Deliberation and possible action on either the renewal or proposed nonrenewal of term contract personnel
5. Consent Agenda
6. Superintendent's Report
6.A. Enrollment and Financial Update
6.B. TASB Region 17 Spring Workshop-Update and Information
6.C. Employee Appreciation Dinner
6.D. American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA)
Stimulus Package Information
6.E. Spring Activities
6.F. Graduation Ceremony
Who would like to hand out diplomas?
7. Future Business
7.A. Computer Use Guidelines