June 12, 2017 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
III.A. Review Minutes of May 8, 2017 regular meeting.
III.B. Review Individual Administrative Contract Recommendations, Resignations and Retirements
III.C. Review Individual Teacher Contract Recommendations, Resignations and Retirements
III.D. Review Individual Co-Curricular Contract Recommendations
III.E. Review Individual Support Staff/Custodial Staff Recommendations, Resignations and Retirements
III.F. Review Summer School Contract Recommendations
III.G. Review and Take Action on Student Discipline/Expulsion Recommendations
III.H. Review 4K Contract
Amy Johnson and I will report to the Board an update on requested changes to the 4K contracts.
III.I. Review Engineering Report Related to Property Boundary and Water Retention at Prairie Elementary
V.A. Review Minutes of May 8, 2017 regular meeting and May 15, 2017 Special meeting
A motion will be necessary to approve the agenda as presented (or) with changes as recommended.
The Board of Education provides a public listening session for the public to comment on non-agenda items related to the governance or management of the Waunakee Community School District. Individuals may use this time to also comment on any items listed as part of the meeting agenda. A copy of Board Policy 187 —Public Participation at Board Meetings is enclosed for your reference. Past practice has allowed 30 minutes for this section of the agenda.
VIII.A. Board Reports/Action Items
VIII.A.1. Individual Board Reports on Educational Related Events, Meetings, or Training's Attended by Individual Board Members
VIII.B. Strategic Planning Report
VIII.B.1. Linkage Meeting Follow-up
On May 1, 2017 we held a Linkage Meeting with the community on Co-Curricular Programs. Attached please find the notes from the sessions and the survey results from those who attended the meeting. The Goals Committee reviewed the notes and survey results and held a dicussion at their last meeting related to this feedback. The themes from the Goals Committee's discussion included the following:
1. Survey of students should be considered every year for every sport 2. Develop an approach to develop philosophy/goals for coaches 3. Establish clear communication on what is being done currently. 4. More voices, opinions should be considered as the Linkage meeting included a relatively small group 5. Review and identify ways for parents to communicate with coaches and the AD 6. Is there a need for an assistant in the AD office, perhaps at the MS level? 7. Students did a good job defining a vision of a coach/advisor. Additionally, the committee discussed using the co-curricular topic as a community engagement focus for a BOE Governance Priority for 2017-2018. The Goals Committee would like to start at the committee level to outline and propose a structure to this process and bring it back to the full Board for comments, edits, discussion, and adoption.
VIII.B.2. Priorities and performance Indicators
At the Board Self Evaluation and the Superintendent's Evaluation Meetings, we discussed priorities for the 2017-2018 school year. Attached please find a summary of these priority areas and proposed performance indicators for each. The Goals Committee reviewed this document and is moving it forward to the full board for consideration and adoption.
The next steps after adoption include delegation of some of these focus areas to committees. Particularly, the Salary and Benefits area and the Co-Curricular Focus of the Community Engagement/ Board Governance goal will see near immediate links to the HR Committee and Goals Committee, respectively. The other priority areas will be linked to committees and the Board in the near future as a framework and initial efforts get underway.
VIII.B.3. Strategic Planning Update - Facilities
The purpose of this agenda item is to follow up on the strategic planning discussion on the Facilities Maintenance Plan. Attached please find a document that outlines the key questions from the PowerPoint presentation provided last month, and the administrative recommendation for each of the key questions.
Administration requested feedback on the recommendations from the Facility Committee. The committee's initial feedback was positive. Administration will continue these discussions with the Facility Committee over the next several months. The second draft of the budget was prepared based on these recommendations. Please let me know if you have any questions. You can contact me via email at ssummers@waunakee.k12.wi.us or via phone at 849-2491. Thanks.
VIII.B.4. 90-Day Board Outlook
Attached please find a draft of the next 90-days and what you can expect from a standpoint of meetings and specific topics of interest that will be addressed over the next few months. I am certain there will be more committee meetings scheduled between now and August and strategic topics will emerge as part of those meetings. This document will provide you with an initial view of what to expect in the near future.
VIII.B.5. Update on District Wellness Clinic
Attached is an update from Connie Beth on early utilization and satisfaction data from the Wellness Clinic. Connie will not be at the Board Meeting on Monday, so Steve and I will cover this item in her absence. Connie will be providing to you through e-mail a similar report each month on the status and work that is taking place with the Wellness Clinic. The Budget Committee will be reviewing the financial aspect of the clinic at one of their next meetings.
VIII.C. Administrative Reports/Action Items
VIII.C.1. Announcements/Correspondence
VIII.C.1.a. Audit Engagement Letters from Wegner CPA's
Our new audit firm has requested that the School Board members be provided a copy of the audit engagement letters as an information item. No action is necessary. Please contact Steve Summers at ssummers@waunakee.k12.wi.us or 849-2012 if you have any questions. Thanks.
IX.A. Budget Committee
IX.A.1. Review May 31, 2017 Meeting Minutes
IX.A.2. 2016-2017 Budget Changes
The purpose of this agenda item is to request School Board approval of the 2016-2017 Budget Changes. The budget change document is attached. The business office has changed practices regarding budget revisions. All budget revisions are being entered into the Skyward Financial System using the Skyward Budget Revision process.
To begin with, the contingency fund for the 16-17 fiscal year is $59,800. As a reminder, this account is typically $100,000, but the School Board approved $40,200 towards the Innovation Center staffing which lowers the amount to $59,800. A number of School Board approved projects in the last year will have a major impact on both budget changes and the 17-18 end of the year balance. These projects include the security camera and portable classroom move projects approved by the School Board in the spring of 2016, but not primarily paid for until the summer of 2016. Additional projects approved by the School Board include Warrior Stadium (will impact both 16-17 and 17-18 budgets due to the timing of the project), the Wellness Clinic (will impact both 16-17 and 17-18 budgets due to the timing of the project), the Bethel Circle loan repayment, and the innovation center remodeling project (cost sharing with fundraising covering the majority of the costs). Overall, the district fund balance will likely decline by $1.5 million in 16-17. This reduction in the fund balance may be offset slightly by additional revenues or expenditure accounts not fully spent by June 30th. Additional budget changes for 16-17 include: * changes in grant allocations * changes to the State of Wisconsin Library Aid * salary budgets approved by the Board of Education in November * the high school Youth Options revenues and expenses * additional revenues and expenditures related to the referendum projects * reallocations within the Technology Department * additional revenues and expenditures related to insurance claims * summer science 2016 revenues and expenses * updated post employment benefit costs per the actuarial study received on May 23rd The Budget Committee is recommending approval of the budget changes, on a 3-0 vote. Please let me know if you have any questions. You can contact me via email at ssummers@waunakee.k12.wi.us or via phone at 849-2491. Thanks.
IX.A.3. Approval of Second Draft of 2017-2018 Budget
The purpose of this agenda item is to request School Board approval of the
second draft of the budget for the 17-18 school year. I have attached the second draft of the budget for your review. The changes between the first and second draft of the budget are as follows: 1. The positions listed on page 11 of the budget have been updated to reflect the following: additional special education teaching position approved at the May Board meeting; the new science teacher at the High School has been increased from .75 FTE to 1.0 FTE; a High School art position has been reduced by .25 FTE; the Middle School FACE teacher overload of .16 FTE has been removed. Randy is reviewing with administration other areas that may still experience some shifts in FTE based on scheduling and assignments. 2. The Strategic Planning discussions on the Facility Maintenance Plan have resulted in a change in the accounting for summer projects from Fund 41 to Fund 10. Fund 41 will have no expenditures for the next 3 years in order to build up a balance over $1.5 million. The summer projects will be charged to the Fund 10 fund balance account reserved from 2014 Operational Referendum funds. 3. The facility rental budget has been increased by $30,000. Additionally an account will be designated in fund balance in the amount of $30,000 for the replacement of the turf on Warrior Stadium has been created. 4. The Fund 50 budget has been updated to reflect the School Board approved fees. 5. The transportation budget has been updated to reflect the Lamers bid, which results in a savings of $41,402 that is being added to the personnel line. 6. The Fund 73 budget has been updated to reflect the actuarial study that was received the week of May 22nd. 7. The remainder of the Warrior Stadium project has been added to the maintenance budget. I have estimated that approximately $300,000 will be expended in 16-17 with the remaining $517,000 expended in 17-18. The project cost is coming from the undesignated fund balance. The third draft of the budget in July will at least include: 1. An update to Funds 21, 80 and 99 based on fiscal year-to-date activity 2. Federal grant allocations 3. State common school fund grant revenues and expenses 4. An update to state equalization aid/property taxes based on the July DPI state aid estimate 5. Staffing update based on additional schedule changes or reallocation proposals 6. An update to building-based resale revenue and expense accounts The Budget Committee is recommending approval of the second draft of the budget, on a 3-0 vote. Please let me know if you have any questions on the second draft of the budget. You can contact me via email at ssummers@waunakee.k12.wi.us or via phone at 849-2491. Thanks.
IX.A.4. 2017-2018 Lease Agreements
The purpose of this agenda item is to request School Board approval of the lease agreements for the 17-18 school year. I have attached the lease agreements for your review. Dane County
has their own formal lease agreement. The district currently has leases with the Wisconsin Youth Company (K-4 afterschool program), Dane County (1 office at Heritage Elementary School), and the New Teacher Project (office space at Heritage Elementary School). The administrative recommendation is to approve all three leases with the Wisconsin Youth Company lease increasing from $2,400 to $2,450 per building, the Dane County lease continuing at $75 per month, and the New Teacher Project lease continuing at $300 per month. The Budget Committee is recommending approval of the leases, on a 3-0 vote. Please let me know if you have any questions on the lease agreements. You can contact me via email at ssummers@waunakee.k12.wi.us or via phone at 849- 2491. Thanks.
IX.A.5. Approval of Fund Balance Classifications
The purpose of this agenda item is to request School Board approval of the fund balance classifications. The School Board is annually required to approve fund balance accounts prior to the
close of the fiscal year. I have attached the fund balance accounts that are currently being used. I am not proposing any changes at this time. The Budget Committee is recommending approval of the fund balance classifications on a 3-0 vote. Please let me know if you have any questions on the fund balance classifications. You can contact me via email at ssummers@waunakee.k12.wi.us or via phone at 849- 2491. Thanks.
IX.A.6. Approval of Business Insurance Bids
The purpose of this agenda item is to request School Board approval of the 2017-18 business insurance bids.Attached please find a document outlining the bids received from local agent
HUB and Marsh Agency from Eau Claire. Marsh represents a cooperative group of Wisconsin public schools purchasing business insurance together for better pricing/policies.The total net premium is almost identical: $245,144 for HUB and $246,065 for Marsh. The Marsh policies have higher limits in some areas compared to the HUB policies. Our insurance consultant is recommending the Marsh bid due to the better policy limits. However, HUB is a local business and they provided a very competitive proposal. We have been utilizing the policies from HUB for the past several years and we have had no concerns about the policies or the services being offered. The Budget Committee is recommending approval of the HUB bid on a 3-0 vote. Please let me know if you have any questions on the business insurance bids. You can contact me via email at ssummers@waunakee.k12.wi.us or via phone at 849- 2491. Thanks.
IX.B. Curriculum Committee
IX.B.1. Review Minutes of May 17, 2017 Meeting
IX.C. Goals Committee
IX.C.1. Review minutes from the May 31, 2017 meeting.
IX.D. Facilities Committee
IX.D.1. Review minutes of the June 1, 2017 meeting.
IX.D.2. Approval of 2017 Summer Projects
The purpose of this agenda item is request approval of the 2017 summer projects.
Attached please find an updated summer projects list provided by Joe Bellomo. As a reminder, the School Board approved the replacement of the Middle School gym lights at the May 8th School Board meeting. Administration requested placing a one month delay on any other approvals so that we could complete the strategic planning discussion first. Administration is recommending approval of the attached list, using Fund 10 fund balance dollars as discussed with the Facility Committee. The Facility Committee is recommending approval of the attached summer projects list, on a 3-0 vote. Please let me know if you have any questions on this agenda item. You can contact me via email at ssummers@waunakee.k12.wi.us or via phone at 849-2491. Thanks.
IX.E. Policy Committee
IX.E.1. Facilities Use and Fee schedule.
This is the second reading of this policy and requires your action on Monday evening. I have attached the same documents that you reviewed last month. These include:
1. Memo from Aaron May and proposed policy changes. 2. Warrior Stadium Use Guidelines and Fees 3. Other Facility Fee Document
X.A. Approval of Checks
Attached in the "extras" section of
Boardbook, please find a list of the accounts payable payments issued during
the month of May 2017. Please contact Steve Summers at ssummers@waunakee.k12.wi.us
or 849-2491 if you have any questions. Thanks.
X.B. Finance
X.B.1. Monthly Finance Reports
Attached you will find the 2016-17 Budget Status report as of May 31st,
2017, and the Cash Reconciliation report for April 2017. Please note that the purchase orders over $5,000 report has been included in the "extras" section of BoardBook. In addition, please note the following on the Budget Status reports: 1. We have added a revised budget column that tracks all budget changes approved by the Business Office. These budget revisions will be presented to the School Board for approval in June of 2017. 2. The maintenance budget will have a negative balance at the end of fiscal year June 30th, 2017. This is due to the projects approved by the School Board that will ultimately come from the fund balance (security cameras, Warrior Stadium, remodeling at Wellness Clinic, etc.) Please contact Steve Summers at ssummers@waunakee.k12.wi.us or 849-2012 if you have any questions. Thanks.
X.B.2. 2017-2018 Pupil Transportation Handbook Approval
The purpose of this agenda item is to request School Board approval of the
2017-18 pupil transportation handbook. The pupil transportation handbook is attached. The handbook is distributed by the district via the building student handbooks. I am requesting approval in June so the school buildings can incorporate the pupil transportation handbook into their 2017-18 student handbooks. The majority of the information in the pupil transportation handbook references School Board transportation policies. There are no changes proposed for 17-18. Please contact Steve Summers at ssummers@waunakee.k12.wi.us or 849-2012 if you have any questions. Thanks.
X.C. Foreign Exchange Student Requests
Attached please find two applications for exchange students for the 2017-2018 school year. The first is a young man from Sweden who is part of the EF program, which stands for Education First High School Exchange Year. Brian has attached a letter of support for this student.
Additionally, I serve as the Youth Exchange Counselor for the Waunakee Rotary Club. We just received a referral for a student from France. Attached please find his materials, too. We recommend approval for both of these students for the 2017-2018 school year.
X.D. Gifts and Field Trips
X.D.1. Gifts
X.D.1.a. Anonymous donation to PES
X.D.1.b. 2016-17 2nd Semester Student Services Gifts
X.D.2. Field Trips
X.D.2.a. FBLA National Leadership Conference in CA
X.E. Approve Individual Administrative, Teacher, Co-curricular, Support Staff & Custodial Recommendations, Resignations, Leaves & Retirements
X.F. Approve Summer School Recommendations
X.G. Approval of I.P. Phone System Bids
The purpose of this agenda item is to request School Board approval of the internet based phone system at Bethel, Arboretum, Middle School, and the High School buildings. A cover memo which includes all bid items is attached in the EXTRAS tab.This project was included in the technology strategic planning presentation in April. The equipment is purchased as part of the state contract, but the consulting costs exceed $25,000 and require School Board approval. Please contact Steve Summers at ssummers@waunakee.k12.wi.us or 849-2012 if you have any questions. Thanks.
XI.A. Legislative Update
XI.B. Policy 130
Policy 130 outlines School Board Elections. This item is for information only related to Board Member concern about how we address the growing number of our district residents who reside in Middleton. As you see from the policy, residents of Middleton, Madison, and Westport share two seats on the Board.
XII.A. Agenda Items for Next Meeting
XII.B. Special Meeting
XII.C. Budget Committee
XII.D. Co-Curricular Committee
XII.E. Curriculum Committee
XII.F. Facility Committee
XII.G. Human Resources Committee
XII.H. Policy Committee
XII.I. Goals Committee
XIII. RETURN TO CLOSED SESSION - (if necessary) to complete agenda as listed under agenda item III