March 27, 2017 at 5:00 PM - Policy Committee Meeting
Agenda |
This fall we discussed with the Policy Committee the issue of which community groups should be able to use school facilities for no cost for events such as practices. At that time we discussed primarily the use of the pool by the Waunakee Wave, but this also applies to groups such as Tri-County Basketball. The concept we agreed to explore was the incorporation of a fee for these groups if they fell below a 75% school district resident enrollment. I anticipate that a parent or two may attend the meeting to express their support for this type of policy change based on concerns with the Wave as a cub that is not entirely community based.
Since that conversation with the committee, and further review of this policy, we determined that we have other conversations that need to come back to this committee for review, prior to us bringing you a draft. Specifically, with the referendum and the establishment of more gym space, and the high quality and demand for use of the new Intermediate Gym, we need to adjust fees accordingly. We also have determined that the prices we charge for use of all facilities is below other comparable spaces in surrounding school districts. For this reason, we want to discuss with you your thoughts on how a revised fee structure for our facilities might look. As part of this discussion, we need to include fees for the use of Warrior Stadium, assuming a synthetic surface is approved for this summer. Aaron May is putting a proposal together given rates charged in other locations, and how to address clubs that have dedicated significant funds towards the initial funding of the stadium project. Finally, we want to conceptually discuss with the committee if we want to review how we charge groups such as the Village of Waunakee who use our facilities for no fee for many recreation department programs. This discussion is not one that we want to act upon right now, but to get your thoughts so we can, if necessary, begin discussions with the appropriate staff etc. at the Village. Our goal for the committee meeting is to further solicit your input so we can put together a comprehensive draft of this policy to bring back to you yet this spring. We will bring options to the meeting to lead this conversation.
Attached please find Policy 422--Admission of Non-Resident Students. We are seeking the Board's point of view on this policy in relation to the F-1 Visa process. Currently the policy states that we can accept F-1 Visa students, but we want clarification if the Board wants us to apply and serve as an F-1 Visa school. This distinction requires annual processes and time to work with Immigration and Customs Enforcement to be certified as an F-1 Visa School. In our area, there are a few public schools that hold this certification, and most private schools have this endorsement.
We applied and were certified as an F-1 School a few years ago. At that time, we had a community member who had a relative from another country want to attend school here. We went through the process to be certified and to allow them to attend. The rules under an F-1 Visa require the family to pay full tuition. Since that student, we let our certification lapse as no other students were requesting to attend Waunakee under these rules, and it was a lot of work to receive and maintain certification. At this time, we have two families are inquiring about having relatives attend school in Waunakee under this provision. We are seeking your input in whether we should modify our policy to clearly state that will be an F-1 Visa School, or if we want to move in another direction and not accept F-1 students. This issue is a complicated matter and we will discuss it with you in more detail on the 27th. Also, I anticipate at least one of the community members who this issue would impact attending the meeting to express their support for this certification in Waunakee.
This agenda item is in response to a question that was raised about how "Youth Nights" at sporting events are handled. The Girl's Basketball Booster Club brought forward a question to Peggy Hill-Breunig on why the Booster Clubs needed to pay for the youth who attended "youth nights" for varsity games?
In looking into this practice, the booster clubs pay $1.50 for each youth who attend designated "youth nights". Aaron May looked into this issue and we think the practice began when Gail Quinn was the athletic director many years ago, and the the practice has continued since. It is not written in any policy, but because of its long standing practice, has become viewed as policy. Some additional background -- Booster Clubs sponsor Youth Nights. When Gayle Quinn and the Booster Clubs agreed to youth nights the agreement was Booster Clubs would be charged 1/2 the cost of admission as a way to have some 'skin in the game' and they wouldn't invite the entire community but just the kids in the youth program. From an administrative perspective, some of these nights have become more difficult to manage because of the number of kids who attend. We want to bring this issue to the Policy Committee for discussion. The options we should discuss: 1. Do we want to continue the practice of youth nights? 2. If so, how do we manage fees? 3. Which youth is it for -- all youth (define grade level) or youth participating in a youth sports program aligned with that sport. For example -- girls participating in Little Warrior Program or Waunakee Rec. Program? This is a discussion item on which we would like to receive your input. |
Future topics for this committee include:
1. Recommendation on revised Facility Use and Fee Structure 2. Revisions to Student Transportation Services Policy 3. Revisions to the Accident Reporting Policy 4. Social Media Policy 5. Review options for contracted services for policy development and management |