February 8, 2016 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
III.A. Review Minutes of January 11, 2016 Meeting
III.B. Review Individual Teacher Contract Recommendations, Resignations and Retirements
III.C. Review Individual Co-Curricular Contract Recommendations
III.D. Review Individual Support Staff/Custodial Recommendations, Resignations and Retirements
III.E. Review and Take Action on Student Discipline/Expulsion Recommendations
Included in your packet you will find the minutes from the January 11, 2016 and January 18, 2016 meetings for your review and approval.
Action should be taken to approve the agenda as presented (or) with changes as recommended.
This is the general comment section of the agenda where members of the public may comment on any item contained within the evening’s agenda.
VIII.A. Student Report
Jordan Ripp and Matt Luhring are the student representatives this year.
VIII.B. Board Reports/Action Items
VIII.B.1. Individual Board Reports on Educational Related Events, Meetings, or Trainings Attended by Individual Board Members
This section is reserved for any comments from members of the board on meetings they attended or other informational items.
VIII.B.2. State Convention Report
Peggy, Julie, and Joan attended the State School Board Convention in January, along with Connie, Steve and Randy. This agenda item will allow for any reports from attendees of this convention.
VIII.B.3. Discuss Timeline for Board and Superintendent Evaluations
I think we should set a special meeting to address the superintendent and board evaluations. They can be completed in the same night, as we have done in the past. I recommend looking for a date prior to the March regular meeting.
VIII.B.4. Discuss TID #7
Attached please find the most recent project plan for TID #7 and a copy of a presentation that Renew Aire provided to the Village Board as an overview to their company and project proposal for Waunakee. Jack Heinemann is the representative from the Board to the Joint Review Board. He welcomes the Board's input on this issue as he needs to vote on the District's behalf in the coming weeks.
I met with Todd Schmidt this week to get an overview of the project. Here are a few points he made during our discussion:
VIII.C. Administration Reports/Action Items
VIII.C.1. Curriculum Presentation: Elementary ELA
Pam Smith and Danette Johnson will be present to talk with the Board about the work that is occurring in the area of Elementary English Language Arts. Their presentation is attached for your review.
VIII.C.2. State Assessment and Student Achievement Report
Tim Schell will be present at Monday's Board Meeting to review the recently released state assessment results. There are two reports on this matter that are attached for your review.
VIII.C.3. 2016 Summer School Classes/Fees
On an annual basis we bring before the school board a list of summer school classes and proposed fees for your approval. Your action on Monday night allows for planning and preparation of summer school registration to take place. As a reminder, we are only able to charge a fee for classes that have a materials or direct program cost to them, and we need to refund any fund balances per class if the funds are not expended. We are not able to assess a fee for staffing costs. These rules are set per state summer school guidelines and are in place as a result of our ability to count Full Time Equivalent Students for our third Friday in September count on the Revenue Cap.
VIII.C.4. Finance
VIII.C.4.a. Monthly Finance Reports
Attached you will find the 2015-16 Budget Status report as of January
31st, 2016, the Cash Reconciliation report for December 2015, and the 2014 referendum budget report as of January 31st, 2016. Please note that the purchase orders over $5,000 report has been included in the "extras" section of BoardBook. Please contact Steve Summers at ssummers@waunakee.k12.wi.us or 849-2012 if you have any questions. Thanks.
VIII.C.4.b. Petition to Detach Small Territory from the District
The purpose of this agenda item is to request School Board approval or denial of a petition to detach a small territory from the district. Please see the attachments provided by the property owner. I have also attached a sample resolution that can be used by the School Board.
The property in question is being sold from the property owner to a developer. The developer would prefer the district associated with this geographical area to be Middleton-Cross Plains, and not Waunakee. The property owner has the right to explain the reasons for the request to the School Board, before a vote is taken. I would recommend that the Board allow either the property owner or the developer to speak to this issue on Monday evening. Technically, the petition is from the current property owner. However, this process can be appealed to the DPI, so we believe it is in our best interest to allow comments on this topic from any interested parties. The administrative recommendation is to deny the request. Please let me know if you have any questions or comments on this agenda item. You can reach me at ssummers@waunakee.k12.wi.us or 849-2012. Thanks.
VIII.C.5. Review Key Events and Dates for Next 90 Days
I will present to the Board an overview of critical work, timelines, and meetings for the next 90 days. There are still a few moving parts today to this timeline, so I will finalize it as much as possible by Monday and present it to you on Monday evening as a guide to our future meetings and illustration of our future priorities.
On Monday night I would like to solicit your feedback on the timeline for the strategic plan. Particularly, would you be interested in a joint meeting with administration/Board/and other staff to review and discuss the strategic plan before you adopt it as a framework? This approach was proposed by the Goals Committee and I think it is a good idea, and would I like your input before I move forward. |
VIII.C.6. Approval of Dane County School to Work 66:03 Agreement
Attached please find the 66:03 Agreement for the Dane County School Consortium. This is a consortium of 15 school districts that work together primarily on the student apprenticeship program, but also other school to work initiatives. The consortium currently works with the Workforce Development Board of South Central Wisconsin to apply for various grant funds and then manage those fund for the programs and students in each consortium district. Josh Fossil is the Executive Director for the consortium and he is finishing his first year. I serve on the superintendent steering committee for this consortium and think Josh is doing an outstanding job. Greg Benz is our local school to career coordinator and this is the consortium that he works with directly as we place and program for our students. I recommend approval of this agreement and at the same time commend Greg for his continued work to forward opportunities for our students.
VIII.C.7. Correspondence
IX.A. Budget Committee
IX.A.1. Review February 1, 2016 Meeting Minutes
Attached please find the minutes from the February 1st, 2016 meeting of the Budget Committee.
IX.A.2. Approval of 2016-17 Budget Timeline, Forecast, and Guidelines
The purpose of this agenda item is to request School Board approval of the 2016-17 budget timeline, forecast, and guidelines. The documents have been attached for your review. The Budget Committee is recommending approval of these documents on a 2-0 vote.
Please note that the budget forecast includes multiple models of projecting student enrollment. The administration is recommending that we use the 5 year cohort model to forecast enrollment for the 16-17 fiscal year. We have used these numbers for the open enrollment capacity planning, and believe this is the most prudent approach at this time. This enrollment projection results in a student count that is 66 students higher in 16-17. I do not believe that 5 year budget forecasts have significant value at this point due to the significant variations in school funding that we have seen from state budget to state budget. At this time, we are more realistically planning from one state budget to another until school funding becomes more stable. However, a five year budget forecast can identify trends, such as enrollment growth, that can be helpful in the budget planning process. Please note that the budget guidelines document identifies the number of sections and staffing for grades K-6, while estimating the staffing for grades 7-12. The staffing levels for grades 7-12 are reviewed during the student scheduling process later this spring. The budget guidelines document provides a framework for developing the first draft of the budget in May. The last page provides a "Big Picture Overview" of the 2016-17 budget. Please let me know if you have any questions or comments on this agenda item. You can reach me at ssummers@waunakee.k12.wi.us or 849-2012. Thanks.
IX.A.3. Review 2016-17 Food Service Options
The purpose of this agenda item is to review the 2016-17 food service options. This agenda item was intended for discussion purposes, and the administration is requesting a decision at the March 14th School Board meeting. The Budget Committee, on a 3-0 vote, is recommending that the School Board consider version 2 of the options that are presented.
Three options have been attached for your review. The options are based on the district withdrawing from the federal National School Lunch program for grades K-6. The district has not participated in the National School Lunch program for grades 7-12 during both the 2014-15 and 2015-16 school years. We have gained experience at this point in operating a non National School Lunch Program, so we are recommending expanding this approach to grades K-6. Please note that the three versions include the following: 1. Version 1 - Increasing the price of the lunches in grades K-12 and transferring all utility costs back to the district budget 2. Version 2 - Increasing the price of the lunches in grades K-12, transferring all utility costs back to the district budget, and assuming K-6 participation increases by 10% 3. Version 3 - Increasing the price of the lunches in grades K-12, transferring all utility costs back to the district budget, assuming K-6 participation increases by 10%, and introducing limited ala carte type options in grades K-6 I will provide an overview at the meeting of what a non federal school lunch program would look like for grades K-6. Please let me know if you have any questions or comments on this agenda item. You can reach me at ssummers@waunakee.k12.wi.us or 849-2012. Thanks.
IX.B. Co-Curricular Committee
IX.B.1. Review February 1, 2016 Meeting Minutes
IX.B.2. Approval of New Clubs and Organizations
Brian Kersten will be in attendance at Monday's meeting to discuss with you each of the following Co-Curricular Club Requests:
1. International Women's Rights Club 2. National Alliance on Mental Illness 3. United States of America Club 4. Fellowship of Christian Athletes 5. Waunakee Fishing Club 6. Science Olympiad -- paid adviser request. Science Olympiad has already been approved as a club, is well beyond its three-year trial time period, and is returning with a request for a paid adviser. The appropriate starting level of pay is 2.5% of base which equates to $805. The other clubs are new requests and are not requesting a paid adviser. There are some nominal budget needs for the clubs, that Brian Kersten can address through the high school budget. As our student body grows and becomes more diverse, I support the establishment of new opportunities to provide positive experiences for our students based on their interests. The Committee approved these club requests on a 3-0 vote to move to the full Board for consideration. As a side note, Connie Beth and Aaron May are beginning a review of the co-curricular pay structure for all co-curricular activities. Also, the Co-Curricular Committee will meet again prior to the March Board Meeting as a follow-up on some of the work being done by Aaron May. Aaron will be at the March Board Meeting to provide the board an update on his work now that he has been in the position for 6-months.
IX.C. Facilities Committee
IX.C.1. Approval of Intermediate School Furniture Bids
The purpose of this agenda item is to request School Board approval of the bids received for the
Intermediate School furniture. The district has hired Eppstein Uhen to prepare the specifications and manage the selection process for the furniture at the new school. Eppstein Uhen has presented several options for the district to consider during the approval process. At this point, we have the following options under consideration: 1. Purchase all furniture from a single vendor (Henricksen) that provided the lowest single vendor bid ($1,120,155 original version, $1,099,441 revised version) 2. Purchase all furniture from multiple vendors (Henricksen, Marshfield, and Madden) that provided the lowest individual line item bids ($1,117,266 original version, $1,094,121 revised version) 3. Purchase all furniture from multiple vendors (Henricksen, Marshfield, and Lerdahl) that provided the lowest individual line item bids, and recommended bid alternates ($1,078,048 original version, $1,081,766 revised version) Please note that these dollar amounts can be compared to the budget amount of $1,413,504 for the new Intermediate School furniture. Please also note that a "round 2" of furniture purchases will be coming for items such as appliances, art kilns, pianos, maintenance equipment, etc. There are detailed spreadsheets from Eppstein Uhen that outline each of these options. I have attached the recommended option, which is the revised version of the third option. The other spreadsheets have not been attached, but are available if any Board member would like to review them. The administrative team has evaluated the bid alternates, which has led to the recommended version that is attached for your consideration. Please let me know if you have any questions or comments on this agenda item. You can reach me at ssummers@waunakee.k12.wi.us or 849-2012. Thanks.
IX.D. Human Resources Committee
IX.D.1. Review January 13, 2016 Meeting Minutes
IX.D.2. Approval of WTA Tentative Agreement
The Human Resource Committee negotiated with the Waunakee Teachers Association on January 13, 2016. The parties agreed to a tentative agreement of 1.62% base wage increase. This tentative agreement has been approved by the membership of the WTA, and the committee is requesting approval of the tentative agreement by the full board. The 1.62% base wage increase is the same value that has been articulated in values discussed over the past few months related to staff pay increases. This agreement is for the 2015-2016 school year and pay will be retroactive to the beginning of this contract year.
IX.D.3. Approval of the 2015-2016 Compensation Recommendation School Year for All Employee Groups
The purpose of this agenda item is to request School Board approval of staff compensation
increases for 2015-16. Attached please find a summary spreadsheet that outlines the recommendation from the Human Resources Committee. The recommendation includes the following: 1. A 1.62% CPI increase for all employment categories except the cocurricular category. The 1.62% represents the consumer price index for union contracts with a starting date of July 1st, 2015. 2. A $600 point increase for members of the teaching staff (200 points) 3. $30,000 in additional funds to selected members of the administrative assistant group based on the results of the QTI study. 4. $2,524 in additional funds funds to selected members of the administrative staff based on the results of the average pay survey process. Please note that this approach does require the use of $206,319 in funds from the 2016-17 school year. The Human Resources Committee is also interested in conducting a thorough review of co-curricular compensation for implementation at the start of the 2016-17 school year. This review will include both the base amount used to calculate salaries and the percentages used to determine the salaries for each position. The Committee is also interested in reviewing other options for administrative staff compensation, given the average pay goal has been accomplished. You are welcome to view the detailed documents that led to this recommendation. These documents are included in Boardbook, under the Human Resources Committee meeting from January 5th. Please let me know if you have any questions or comments on this agenda item. You can reach me at ssummers@waunakee.k12.wi.us or 849-2012. Thanks.
X.A. Approval of Checks
Attached in the "extras" section of Boardbook, please find a list of the accounts payable payments issued during the month of January 2016. Please contact Steve Summers at ssummers@waunakee.k12.wi.us or 849-2012 if you have any questions. Thanks.
X.B. Gifts and Field Trips
X.B.1. Gifts
X.B.1.a. Neal Burkle Memorial Scholarship
X.B.1.b. Waunakee Lions Club Donation
X.B.1.c. Heritage Elementary Third Grade Bake Sale Donation
X.B.2. Field Trips
There are two trips on the agenda this evening. The first is a soccer request to attend an invitational tournament in Burlington, IA in May. This trip is within the guidelines of the of the Board Policy on trips as it involves travel to a bordering state.
X.B.2.a. Girls' Soccer Team Trip Request - Burlington, IA
X.C. Approve Individual Teacher, Co-Curricular, Support Staff and Custodial Recommendations, resignations, Leaves & Retirements
XI.A. Conventions/Workshops
XI.B. Legislative Update
XII.A. Special Board Meeting
XII.B. Agenda Items for Next Board Meeting
XII.C. Budget Committee
XII.D. Co-Curricular
XII.E. Curriculum Committee
XII.F. Facility Committee
XII.G. Insurance Committee
XII.H. Human Resources Committee
XII.I. Policy Committee
XII.J. Goals & Objectives –Visions Committee
XIII. RETURN TO CLOSED SESSION – (if necessary) to complete agenda as listed under agenda item III.