June 8, 2015 at 5:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
III.A. Review Minutes of May 11, 2015 Meeting
III.B. Review Individual Administrative Contract Recommendations, Resignations and Retirements
III.C. Review Individual Teacher Contract Recommendations, Resignations and Retirements
III.D. Review Individual Co-Curricular Contract Recommendations
III.E. Review Individual Support Staff/Custodial Staff Recommendations, Resignations and Retirements
III.F. Review Summer School Contract Recommendations
III.G. Review and Take Action on Student Discipline/Expulsion Recommendations
Included in your packet you will find the minutes from the May 11, 2015 regular meeting for your review and approval.
A motion will be necessary to approve the agenda as presented (or) with changes as recommended.
The Board of Education provides a public listening session for the public to comment on non-agenda items related to the governance or management of the Waunakee Community School District. Individuals may use this time to also comment on any items listed as part of the meeting agenda. A copy of Board Policy 187 —Public Participation at Board Meetings is enclosed for your reference. Past practice has allowed 30 minutes for this section of the agenda.
VIII.A. Student Reports
VIII.B. Board Reports/Action Items
VIII.B.1. Individual Board Reports on Educational Related Events, Meetings, or Training's Attended by Individual Board Members
VIII.C. Administrative Reports/Action Items
VIII.C.1. Curriculum Presentation: Secondary ELA
Walter Stenz
7-12 English department chair Walter Stenz will present an update of the major items the department has been working on. His presentation is attached in Boardbook.
VIII.C.2. Department Report: Student Services & Curriculum
Kurt Eley and Tim Schell will be present at Monday's meeting to provide an update on work that is occurring in their departments. Attached in Board Book you will find both of their written reports.
VIII.C.3. CESA 2 Service Contract Agreement
The CESA #2 Contract comes before the Board for consideration on an annual basis. The services we receive through this contract mainly impact the curriculum department and to a greater extent, the student services staff. Tim Schell and Kurt Eley have reviewed this contract and all services are still needed and requested for next year. The total cost of the contract is $19,558. We only pay for and receive services for the items highlighted in blue.
VIII.C.4. Request for Foreign Exchange Student 2015-2016 School Year
Waunakee Rotary will be hosting an exchange student for the first time in many years. We will be hosting a female student from France, and her portfolio is attached. I am serving as one of the Youth Exchange Officers for the local Rotary Club and will work with another Rotarian, other club members, the student and host families. I have discussed this student with Brian Kersten and will seek his written endorsement prior to Monday's meeting. We have not been able to connect on this item as of the writing of this Board Book memo. Board Policy requires your approval for exchange students.
VIII.C.5. Consideration of Course Options Application
We have received another Course Options request for your consideration this month. This request comes from a student who resides in the Middleton Cross Plains School District and who wants to participate in our Introduction to Agriculture Course. I recommend approval.
VIII.C.6. Additional Summer School Course Offerings
A few students who meet specific criteria take online courses in the summer. We realized this year that we had not been including them in our summer school report for membership and aid. Tim Schell will be available to answer any questions you may have.
VIII.C.7. Finance
VIII.C.7.a. Monthly Finance Reports
Attached you will find the 2014-15 Budget Status report as of May 31st, 2015, the Cash Reconciliation report for April 2015, and the 2014 referendum budget report as of May 31st, 2015. Please contact Steve Summers at ssummers@waunakee.k12.wi.us or 849-2491 if you have any questions. Thanks.
VIII.C.7.b. 2015-2016 Pupil Transportation Handbook Approval
The purpose of this agenda item is to request School Board approval of the 2015-16 pupil transportation handbook. The pupil transportation handbook is attached.
The handbook is distributed by the district via the building student handbooks. I am requesting approval in June so the school buildings can incorporate the pupil transportation handbook into their 2015-16 student handbooks. The majority of the information in the pupil transportation handbook references School Board transportation policies. There are no proposed changes to the 2015-2016 transportation handbook. Please contact me at ssummers@waunakee.k12.wi.us or 849-2491 if you have any questions on the pupil transportation handbook. Thanks.
VIII.C.7.c. Affordable Care Act Presentation
The purpose of this agenda item is to provide the School Board with a presentation on the Affordable Care Act. I have attached a copy of a PowerPoint presentation.
This presentation is designed to provide a higher level overview of the major issues/topics associated with the Affordable Care Act. There are two topics in particular that we are seeking feedback from the School Board. These topics are staff eligibility for health insurance, and district contributions towards the health insurance plan. Please see the presentation for more details. Please contact Steve Summers at ssummers@waunakee.k12.wi.us or 849-2491 if you have any questions. Thanks for your time.
VIII.C.7.d. Approval of Prairie Elementary School Furniture Bids
The purpose of this agenda item is to request School Board approval of the Prairie Elementary School furniture bids. The 2014 referendum included the addition of classrooms and renovations of other spaces at Prairie. As a result, the district issued a request for proposal for the additional furniture/equipment needs. The lowest bidders were Marshfield Book and Stationary for $57,150.12 and Staples for $5,986.74. The administration is recommending the approval of the lowest bids. These bids are within the furniture and equipment budgeted line item. I have not attached the request for proposal or bid responses in an attempt to minimize the size of this Board packet. However, I can provide a copy of this information to any interested School Board members. Please contact Steve Summers at ssummers@waunakee.k12.wi.us or 849-2491 if you have any questions. Thanks for your time.
VIII.C.7.e. Approval of Prairie Elementary School Gym Floor Removal Bids
The purpose of this agenda item is to request School Board approval of the Prairie Elementary School gym floor removal bids. The 2014 referendum included the replacement of the gym floor at Prairie. As a precaution, the gym floor was tested earlier this year and was found to contain enough mercury to warrant removal as a hazardous waste. Our enviromental consulating firm, EMC, completed a bidding process for the removal of this gym floor. The lowest bidder was Robinson Brothers Environmental, Inc from Waunakee. The administration is recommendig the approval of the lowest bid. I have not attached the request for proposal or bid responses in an attempt to minimize the size of this Board packet. However, I can provide a copy of this information to any interested School Board members. Please contact Steve Summers at ssummers@waunakee.k12.wi.us or 849-2491 if you have any questions. Thanks for your time.
VIII.C.7.f. Resolution to Withdraw from the Local Government Property Insurance Fund
The purpose of this agenda item is to request School Board approval of the resolution to withdraw from the Local Government Property Insurance Fund. I have attached the resolution for your review.
The 2015-17 state budget proposed the elimination of the Local Government Property Insurance Fund. Our district participates in the Fund for our property insurance coverage. The Joint Finance Committee amended the budget proposal to provide a longer phase out period for the Fund, while still eliminating it. As a result, we have received a rate renewal increase for July 1st from $55,461 to $119,923. I would like to request School Board approval to withdraw from the Fund, and to provide the Business Manager with discretion to select new insurance policies by June 30th. I am working with our local agent, Dan Schubring from Murphy Insurance, and our insurance consultant, Kathy Johnson, to research the best available options. We will not complete our review until the end of the month, and a decision needs to be made before July 1st. The insurance industry was not prepared to handle this large of a volume of insurance requests for quotes in a short time frame, but we were planning ahead by completing insurance applications back in April. I expect that other insurance options will be available by July 1st. However, if not, I will not file the LGPIF resolution and we will renew with the Fund and review options at a later date. Please contact Steve Summers at ssummers@waunakee.k12.wi.us or 849-2491 if you have any questions. Thanks for your time.
VIII.C.8. Announcements/Correspondence
IX.A. Budget Committee
IX.A.1. Review June 1, 2015 Meeting Minutes
Attached please find the minutes from the June 1st, 2015 Budget Committee meeting. Please contact Steve Summers at ssummers@waunakee.k12.wi.us or 849-2491 if you have any questions. Thanks.
IX.A.2. 2014-2015 Budget Changes
The purpose of this agenda item is to request School Board approval of the 2014-2015 Budget Changes. The budget change document is attached. The Budget Committee is recommending approval of these budget changes on a 3-0 vote.
Here are the major budget changes for this year: 1. The Fund 10 and 27 budgets have been reallocated due to the expenditure of 14-15 contingency funds. The net change is $0. 2. The Fund 10 and 27 salary and benefits budgets have been reallocated due to approval of pay increases during the months of December/January after the 14-15 budget was approved. The net change is $0. 3. The Fund 99 revenues and expenses have been increased by $60,000 due to increased account activity. 4. The Debt Service Funds have been increased to account for the refinancing associated with the November 2014 referendum 5. The Capital Projects Funds have been increased to account for the borrowings associated with the November 2014 referendum Please let me know if you have any questions on the budget changes. You can contact me via email at ssummers@waunakee.k12.wi.us or via phone at 849-2491. Thanks.
IX.A.3. Approval of Second Draft of 2015-2016 Budget
The purpose of this agenda item is to request School Board approval of the second draft of the budget for the 15-16 school year. I have attached the second draft of the budget for your review. The Budget Committee is recommending approval of the second draft of the budget on a 3-0 vote.
Please note the following regarding the second draft of the budget: 1. The revenue cap increase is $0/student based on the 15-17 state budget proposal 2. The student count is projected to increase by 78 students 3. The state equalization aid/property tax increase are projections from the PMA budget planning model 4. $540,000 has been added to the Fund 10 revenue and expense budget as a result of the November 2014 operational referendum 5. No budget requests have been included at this time 6. There is a 0% increase budgeted for staff salaries. Staff salary increase decisions will be made in the fall after the state budget has been approved. 7. The health/dental benefits have been increased by 5%. 8. Page eleven of the budget outlines the teaching positions that have been added to the budget because of increases in enrollment. The changes between the first and second draft of the budget are: 1. The per pupil categorical aid has been restored by $150/student based on the Joint Finance Committee budget proposal 2. An update to Fund 39 based on the final borrowing costs associated with the November 2014 referendum 3. Food service Fund 50 update based on the approved fees from the May BOE meeting 4. The staffing changes on page 11 have been updated to reflect a student services department staffing reallocation plan. The details of this plan were attached to the June Budget committee packet if you are interested. 5. The second draft of the budget includes a small positive balance compared to the negative balance from the first draft of the budget The third draft of the budget in June will at least include: 1. An update to Fund 80/10 based on the recommendations for the community services fund 2. Federal grant allocations 3. State common school fund grant revenues and expenses 4. An update to state equalization aid/property taxes based on the July DPI state aid estimate 5. Staffing update based on additional schedule changes or reallocation proposals Please let me know if you have any questions on the second draft of the budget. You can contact me via email at ssummers@waunakee.k12.wi.us or via phone at 849-2491. Thanks.
IX.A.4. 2015-2016 Lease Agreements
The purpose of this agenda item is to request School Board approval of the lease agreements for the 15-16 school year. I have attached the lease agreements for your review. Dane County has their own formal lease agreement. The Budget Committee is recommending approval of these 2015-16 leases on a 3-0 vote.
The district currently has leases with the Wisconsin Youth Company (K-4 after school program), Dane County (1 office at 101 School Drive), and the New Teacher Project (office space at 101 School Drive). The administrative recommendation is to approve all three leases with the Wisconsin Youth Company lease increasing from $2,300 to $2,350 per building, the Dane County lease continuing at $75 per month, and the New Teacher Project lease continuing at $300 per month. Please let me know if you have any questions on the lease agreements. You can contact me via email at ssummers@waunakee.k12.wi.us or via phone at 849-2491. Thanks.
IX.A.5. Approval of Fund Balance Classifications
The purpose of this agenda item is to request School Board approval of the fund balance classifications. The School Board is annually required to approved fund balance accounts prior to the close of the fiscal year. I have attached the fund balance accounts that are currently being used. The Budget Committee is recommending approval of these fund balance classification on a 3-0 vote, with the unspent referendum operational funds being assigned to future maintenance projects.
I am not proposing any changes at this time. Please let me know if you have any questions on the fund balance classifications. You can contact me via email at ssummers@waunakee.k12.wi.us or via phone at 849-2491. Thanks.
IX.B. Curriculum Committee
IX.B.1. Review Minutes of May 27, 2015 Meeting
The minutes are attached. If you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact Tim Schell.
IX.B.2. Math Program Evaluation
Recommendations resulting from our program evaluation process go through multiple stages, including audit team recommendations, revision/response by the department program evaluation subcommittee, administrative recommendations, and final Board recommendation. The Curriculum Committee has reviewed the work to date and drafted Board recommendations for review and action by the full Board of Education. This draft is attached and is also referenced in the Curriculum Committee minutes. If you have any major questions regarding these Math recommendations, please contact Tim Schell.
IX.B.3. Music Program Evaluation
Recommendations resulting from our program evaluation process go through multiple stages, including audit team recommendations, revision/response by the department program evaluation subcommittee, administrative recommendations, and final Board recommendation. The Curriculum Committee has reviewed the work to date and drafted Board recommendations for review and action by the full Board of Education. This draft is attached and is also referenced in the Curriculum Committee minutes. If you have any major questions regarding these Music recommendations, please contact Tim Schell.
IX.B.4. UW-Oshkosh CAPP
Tim Schell
The purpose of this agenda item is to obtain your approval to move forward with offering our capstone World Language courses as concurrent enrollment courses. At a minimum, this would include Spanish V for 2015-2016. Spanish VI is expected for 2016-2017 and French V will be included provided we hire a teacher who meets the adjunct instructor criteria. Please see the attached memo and other supporting documents for detail and updates since your May meeting.
If you have questions regarding the overall proposal or specific details, please contact Tim Schell at 849-2026 or tschell@waunakee.k12.wi.us.
IX.C. Facility Committee
IX.C.1. Review Minutes of May 27, 2015 Meeting
IX.C.2. Approval of Intermediate School Site Bids
The purpose of this agenda item is to request School Board approval of the bid results for the site work at the new Intermediate School. I have attached the bid results for your review.
The site work at the new Intermediate School has been bid as earthwork only, site utilities only, and a combination of earthwork and site utilities. The district will save funds by accepting the bid from Parisi for earthwork only and Monona Plumbing for utilities only, as compared to a combination bid. The administration is recommending the approval of the Parisi/Monona combination for the site work. Please let me know if you have any questions on the bids. You can contact me via email at ssummers@waunakee.k12.wi.us or via phone at 849- 2491. Thanks.
IX.D. Human Resources Committee
IX.D.1. Review Minutes of May 21, 2015 Meeting
X.A. Approval of Checks
Attached in the "extras" section of
Boardbook, please find a list of the accounts payable payments issued during
the month of May 2015. Please contact Steve Summers at ssummers@waunakee.k12.wi.us
or 849-2491 if you have any questions. Thanks.
X.B. Gifts and Field Trips
X.B.1. Gifts
X.B.1.a. Endres Manufacturing Company
X.B.1.b. Waunakee Touchdown Club Inc.
X.B.1.c. Waunakee Rotary Foundation
X.B.2. Field Trips
X.C. Approve Individual Administrative, Teacher, Co-curricular, Support Staff & Custodial Recommendations, Resignations, Leaves & Retirements
X.D. Approve Summer School Recommendations
XI.A. Legislative Update
An update on legislative matters will be provided on Monday evening. You should be receiving the updates from WASB which are similar to the one's I receive through the School Administrators Alliance.
XII.A. Agenda Items for Next Meeting
XII.B. Special Meeting
XII.C. Budget Committee
XII.D. Co-Curricular Committee
XII.E. Curriculum Committee
XII.F. Facility Committee
XII.G. Human Resources Committee
XII.H. Policy Committee
XII.I. Goals Committee
XIII. RETURN TO CLOSED SESSION - (if necessary) to complete agenda as listed under agenda item III