June 20, 2006 at 6:30 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Opening, Presentations & Open Forum
1.A. Meeting Called to Order
1.B. Pledge of Allegiance
1.C. Pledge of Allegiance to the Texas Flag
1.C.1. "Honor the Texas flag; I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one and indivisible."
1.D. Opening Prayer
1.E. Open Forum
2. Public Hearing on the 2006-2007 Budget
2.A. Public Hearing
2.B. Consider Approval of Pay Grade System with Annual Salary Adjustments
2.C. Consider Approval of 2006-2007 Teacher Pay Scale
2.D. Adopt the 2006-2007 Budget for General, Debt Service, Food Service and State Technology Funds
3. Superintendent's Report and Board Discussion
3.A. Personnel Report
3.B. Financial Report - Attachment A
3.B.1. Desk Map Study
3.C. Operations Report
3.C.1. Update on BHS Renovations and Additions Program
4. Consent Agenda
4.A. Consider Approval of Minutes of May 16 and June 6, 2006
4.B. Consider Approval of Tax Refunds for Bastrop ISD
4.C. Consider Approval of Bids
4.C.1. Printing Services
4.C.2. BHS Yearbook
5. Action Items
5.A. Consider Selecting a Delegate and Alternate Delegate to the TASB Assembly in October
5.B. Consider Approval of Bid for Sale of Improvement on Real Property at 1202 Cedar Street
5.C. Consider Approval of Amendment to Transportation Agreement with Durham School Services
5.D. Consider Approval of Resolution Authorizing Tax Resale
5.E. Consider Approval of a Change in the 2006-2007 School Calendar
5.F. Consider Approval of Amendment to the 2005-06 General Fund Budget
6. Information Items
6.A. Update on Summer Leadership Institute
6.B. Discuss Board Representation with Other Entities
6.C. Proposed 2007 Bastrop Central Appraisal District Budget
6.D. Discuss Future Agenda Items
7. Closed Session
7.A. Real Property (551.072)
7.A.1. Discussion on BISD Properties
7.B. Personnel Discussion (551.074)
7.B.1. Cedar Creek Middle School Principal Position
7.B.2. Assignments for 2006-07 School Year
8. Action Resulting from Closed Session
9. Adjournment