December 11, 2023 at 6:00 PM - Special Meeting
Agenda |
1. Roll Call Establish a quorum: JBS, KM,TCN, JL, RJ,EB, CF
2. Invocation-
3. Closed/Executive Session
{Open Meeting Act, Texas Government Code Chapter 551 et.seq} |
3.A. Consider matters concerning personnel 551.074
3.B. Consultation with Dr.Casey Calahan, Executive Director of ESC 15, concerning superintendent search.
4. Reconvene in Open Session
Action: |
5. Discussion/Action of Contract with ESC 15 for Superintendent Search Services.
6. Discussion/Action of Granting a Performance Bonus to Eligible Mason ISD Employees
7. Discussion/Action regarding the remission of the 10% Budget Cuts
10% Cuts to be remitted to Principals and Directors at a time to be determined by the Superintendent.
8. Discussion/Action to approve the Investment Report.
9. Adjourn