September 10, 2018 at 6:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Declaration of Quorum, Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance
2. Recognition
3. Open Forum
4. Consent Agenda
4.A. Minutes of School Board Meeting: Regular Meeting on August 6 and Called Meetings on August 6 and 27, 2018
4.B. Second Reading and Approval of Policy Update 111, Affecting Local Policies BBD(LOCAL): Board Members – Training and Orientation; CAA(LOCAL): Fiscal Management Goals and Objectives - Financial Ethics; CJA(LOCAL): Contracted Services - Criminal History; DEA(LOCAL): Compensation and Benefits – Compensation Plan; DHE(LOCAL): Employee Standards of Conduct – Searches and Alcohol/Drug Testing; DI(LOCAL): Employee Welfare;
FEA(LOCAL): Attendance - Compulsory Attendance
5. List of Bills
6. Interlocal Agreement Between Lampasas ISD and City of Lampasas Regarding School Resource Officers
7. Procurement of Design Services for Expansion of Culinary Arts and Automotive Technology Programs
8. Administrative Reports
8.A. Enrollment
8.B. Curriculum/Instruction
8.B.1. Accountability Summary
8.C. Business/Support Services
9. Consultation with Attorney and Consideration of Petition for Detachment/Annexation
10. Adjournment