June 15, 2017 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Meeting Call To Order
1.A. Open Meeting Notice
2. Opening Ceremony
3. Consent Agenda Items
3.A. Minutes of the Regular Meeting held on May 18, 2017 and Special Meeting held on May 30, 2017
3.B. Monthly financial and investment reports
3.C. Personnel actions delegated to the Superintendent
3.D. Tax refund(s) exceeding $500 pursuant to Property Tax Code 31.11
4. Items to be Withdrawn from the Consent Agenda
5. Communications Not on the Agenda
6. Superintendent's Report
6.A. Enrollment Report
7. Board of Trustee's Report
8. Financial Reports and Action Items
9. New Business
9.A. Consider and take possible action to approve out-of-state band trip proposal
9.B. Consider and take possible action to approve the sale of property on Hooper Drive, Property ID 100943, and set a minimum bid price
9.C. Consider and take possible action on storm water drainage
9.D. Policy Update 108, affecting local policies EF(LOCAL): Instructional Resources; EFA(LOCAL): Instructional Resources - Instructional Materials; EFAA(LOCAL): Instructional Materials - Selection and Adoption; EG(LOCAL): Curriculum Development; EH(LOCAL): Curriculum Design; EHDB(LOCAL): Alternative Methods for Earning Credit - Credit by Examination with Prior Instruction; EIF(LOCAL): Academic Achievement - Graduation; EL(LOCAL): Campus Charters; GKB(LOCAL): Community Relations - Advertising and Fundraising - First Reading
9.E. Update Local Policy: DP(LOCAL) and DPB (LOCAL)
10. Items for Future Discussion
11. Closed Meeting - Adjourn to closed meeting for the purpose of deliberation of real property; pursuant to Section 551.072 of the Texas Gov't Code and Personnel Matters; pursuant to Section 551.074 of the Texas Gov't Code
11.A. Review Superintendent Goals
12. Open Session
12.A. Action(s) resulting from closed session
13. Closing Meeting
13.A. Adjourn