January 21, 2016 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order/Opening Ceremony
2. Spotlight Campus
3. Communications Not on the Agenda - a thirty (30) minute time period is set aside to allow citizens to address the Board on any subject. Five speakers will be chosen on a first-come, first serve basis. Each person may speak for no more than (5) minutes. No action will be taken place in response, but the Board may consider future action.
4. Consent Agenda Items - Materials relating to the items to be acted upon in the Consent Agenda are provided to the Board Members for study and review prior to the meeting. The items contained in the bid portion of the Agenda have been endorsed by the Board Members during the budget process.
4.A. Minutes of the Workshop Meeting and Regular Meeting held on December 17, 2015
4.B. Monthly financial and investment reports
4.C. Personnel actions delegated to the Superintendent
4.C.1. Resignations and retirements
4.D. Tax Refund - Disabled Veteran Late Homestead Exemption
4.E. Superintendent Transitional Expenses
5. Items to be Withdrawn from the Consent Agenda
6. Superintendent's Report
7. Board of Trustee's Report
8. Financial Reports and Action Items
8.A. Annual Investment Report Year Ended August, 2015
8.B. Budget amendment to receive and expend MSU grant for professional development substitute reimbursement $15,870
8.C. Amend revenue and expenditure budget for new bus loan to reflect actual amount of loan payments of $12,068
8.D. Resolution to replace previous Superintendent as authorized representative of investment pools
9. New Business
9.A. Authorize Superintendent to negotiate contract with program management company
9.B. Authorize Superintendent to execute the football field surface renovation
9.C. Call for Special Meeting to be held February 4, 2016
9.D. Amend Policy BE (LOCAL): Change time of future regular scheduled Board Meetings to 6:00 PM
10. Personnel Reports and Action Items
10.A. Administrative position new hires: Assistant Superintendent Human Resources and Student Services
10.B. Executive Session 551.074 of the Tx Gov't Code: Personnel Matters; Closed Meeting, (1) To deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline or dismissal of a public officer or employee
11. Closed Meeting - Adjournment to closed meeting pursuant to Sections 551.071 (consultation with Board's attorney), 551.074 (deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties discipline or dismissal of a public officer or employee) of the Texas Gov't Code
12. Open Session, Action on Item 10.A
13. Topics for Future Discussion
14. Closing Meeting
14.A. Adjourn