November 20, 2014 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Meeting Call To Order 7:00 P.M.
2. Opening Ceremony
3. Consent Agenda Items - Materials relating to the items to be acted upon in the Consent Agenda are provided to the Board Members for study and review prior to the meeting. The items contained in the bid portion of the Agenda have been endorsed by the Board Members during the budget process.
3.A. Minutes of the Workshop Meeting, Public Hearing on 2013 FIRST Report and Regular Meeting held on October 22, 2014
3.B. Monthly financial and investment reports
3.C. Consider donations - None
3.D. Monthly support services report
3.E. Monthly absence reports YTD
3.F. Personnel actions delegated to the Superintendent
3.F.1. Resignations and retirements - None as of Posting
3.F.2. Contracted employees except administrators
3.G. Community and governmental relations
3.H. Service contract one-year extensions
3.H.1. West Texas Food Services Cooperative, 2015-2016 inter-local agreement extension
3.I. Tax Refund over $500 for disabled veteran exemption
4. Items to be Withdrawn from the Consent Agenda
5. Communications Not on the Agenda
5.A. Address the Board - Policy BED (LOCAL)
6. Superintendent's Report
6.A. Outstanding performance by district staff and students
6.B. Initiation or status of new programs, projects and special activities
6.B.1. Miscellaneous projects update reports
6.B.1.a. BHS track oval practice field repairs and enhancements to eliminate safety concerns and expand multipurpose usability
6.B.1.b. BMS security fencing/Security Audit priority project to control external access to student traffic among campus buildings and cafeteria
6.B.1.c. BHS Aaron Library Phase 1 redesign and enhancements for digital undertakings: Furniture and Shelving Installation
6.B.1.d. Cafeteria furniture replacement projects
6.B.2. Germ Blast infection control project
6.C. E:21: Educate, Excite, Engage (digital conversion initiative) campaign media coverage, events and other activities
7. Board of Trustee's Report
7.A. Board member attendance at various school and community events
7.A.1. E:21 Discover the Future Event hosted by BISD and Discovery Education on November 6, 2014
7.B. Board member visits to various campuses
7.B.1. Veterans Program at Tower ES on November 6, 2014
7.B.2. Veterans' Day program at BHS on November 11, 2014
7.C. Board member announcements, awards, resignations, election of officers and/or appointments
7.D. Board member recognition of outstanding performance of the "Spotlight Campus" teacher and student of the month and recognition of other district staff and students
7.D.1. Spotlight Campus for November is Hardin Elementary School
7.D.1.a. Teacher of Month - Amy Dowdy teaches Fifth Grade
Students of the Month: Talia Dominguez and Harper Johnston co-produced an i Movie |
7.D.2. Group/Team Achievement: BHS Bulldog Brigade - Regional Marching Band First Place and Area Marching Band Qualifier
7.D.3. Group/Team Achievement: Boys & Girls Cross Country Teams and Individuals
7.D.4. Group/Team Achievement: Choir
7.D.5. Voice of Democracy speech contest winners
7.E. Board continuing education sessions and conferences:
7.E.1. Mandatory Team Building Training at ESC 9 on 3 November 2014
8. Financial Reports and Action Items
8.A. Annual Financial Audit for the Year Ended on August 31, 2014 Presented by Mike Edgin
8.B. Citi Bank Building acquisition discussion and possible directives for the superintendent to purchase
9. Unfinished Business
9.A. Policy DEC (LOCAL) Compensation & Benefits (2nd Reading)- Leaves & Absences proposed addition of statement on "moonlighting" or other work while on leave
9.B. Policy FM (LOCAL): Student Activities (2nd Reading) proposed addition of a statement on Medical Conditions and participation in extracurricular activities
9.C. Effluent water project proposed expansion to include BISD's Ave. D sites
9.D. Board Operating and Procedures Guide revisions will be presented at December meeting
10. New Business
10.A. Wichita Appraisal District Board of Directors re-appointment of Mike Avey to serve two-year term representing Burkburnett ISD & City
11. Personnel Reports and Action Items
11.A. Dismissal, Terminations, Non-Renewals, and Non-Extensions:
11.B. Administrative position new hires: None
12. Closed Meeting - Adjournment to closed meeting pursuant to Sections 551.071, 551.072, and 551.074 of the Texas Gov't Code
13. Open Session, Action on Item 11 A - B
14. Closing Meeting