March 31, 2015 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order and Opening Ceremony
2. Consent Agenda Items - Materials relating to the items to be acted upon in the Consent Agenda are provided to the Board Members for study and review prior to the meeting. The items contained in the bid portion of the Agenda have been endorsed by the Board Members during the budget process.
2.A. Minutes of the Workshop Meeting, Public Hearing, and Regular Meeting held on February 16, 2015
2.B. Monthly financial and investment reports
2.C. Consider donations - None
2.D. Monthly support services report
2.E. Monthly absence reports YTD
2.F. Personnel actions delegated to the Superintendent
2.F.1. Resignations and retirements
2.F.2. Contracted employees except administrators
2.G. Community and governmental relations
2.H. Service contract one-year extensions- NA
2.I. Tax Refund
3. Items to be Withdrawn from the Consent Agenda
4. Communications Not on the Agenda - a thirty (30) minute time period is set aside to allow citizens to address the Board on any subject. Five speakers will be chosen on a first-come, first serve basis. No action may be taken place in response, but the Board may consider future action.
4.A. Address the Board - Policy BED (LOCAL)
5. Superintendent's Report
5.A. Outstanding performance by district staff and students
5.A.1. BMS 6th Grade, state-bound robotics team members and sponsors
5.A.2. National Student to Student Program (S2S) selection of Domonic Smith to participate in prestigious week-long leadership training at USAF Academy
5.A.3. CAS- Claims Administrative Services $500 student scholarship awarded to BISD for district's dedication to safety - Best 3-Year Loss Ratio
5.B. Initiation or status of new programs, renovation and/or construction projects, academic initiatives and/or special activities
5.B.1. Projects out for bid: (1) District frozen and refrigerated food walk-in unit addition to district warehouse; (2) Bulldog Stadium visiting team dressing room expansion & visitor restroom renovation project, (3) Middle school football field house renovation and expansion; and (4) BHS signage
5.B.2. Donation of tools by Tractor Supply
5.C. E:21: Educate, Excite, Engage (digital conversion initiative) campaign media coverage, events and other activities
5.C.1. STEM (Science-Technology-Mathematics & Engineering) update
5.C.2. Discovery Education professional development report
5.D. Capital Improvement Advisory Committee (CIAC) update: Initial meeting called for 6:30 -8:30 P.M., April 2, 2015 at high school cafeteria
5.E. Strategic Planning - Vision 2015 Re-Focus document annual review 9:00 AM to 12 Noon, May 11, 2015 at Williams Drive Conference Center
6. Board of Trustee's Report
6.A. Board member attendance at various school and community events
6.B. Board member visits to various campuses
6.C. Board member announcements, awards, resignations, election of officers and/or appointments
6.D. Board member recognition of outstanding performance of district staff and/or students receiving an accolade or award
7. Financial Reports and Action Items
7.A. General Operating Fund (199) transfer authorization to move $87,500 of unallocated funds from Function 11-Instruction to Function 13-Curriculum & Instructional Development ($63,000) and Function 41-General Administration ($12,000) and Function 51-Plant Maintenance & Operations ($12,500)
7.B. TASB Salary Study findings and recommendations
7.C. Projected cost of compensation and benefits package increases based on current salary/pay structure and staffing for budget FY 2016
7.D. Bid #618 for gasoline and diesel for the 2015-16 school year
7.E. Bid #619 for 1680 boxes of 20# white 8.5 x 11 copy paper
7.F. Compensation payment authorization for hourly wage employees prevented from working because of school closure or delayed starts
7.G. RFP # 617: award two-year depository bank contract effective September 1, 2015 and running through August 31, 2017
7.H. Transfer $225,000 from designated facility improvement fund balance to Fund 199 General Operating, Function 12: Instructional Resources and Media Services to replace furniture and fixtures in the middle school and three elementary school library/media centers
8. New Business
8.A. Option to purchase land north of Burkburnett High School (Closed meeting pursuant to Sec. 551.072 Texas Open Meetings Act)
9. Unfinished Business
9.A. TASB's Executive Search Services consultation meeting with the Board of Trustees: 5:00 - 7:00 P.M., April 16
9.B. Citi Bank contract approval
10. Personnel Reports and Action Items
10.A. Dismissal, Terminations, Non-Renewals, and Non-Extensions
10.A.1. Consider Superintendent's recommendations regarding employment and contract status of classroom teachers and other non-administrative professional personnel (TX Gov't Code 551.074): Employ, re-employ PROBATIONARY contract employees and/or terminate probationary contract employees
10.A.2. Consider Superintendent's recommendation regarding employment and contract status of classroom teachers and other non-administrative professional personnel (TX Gov't Code 551.074): renew TERM CONTRACT employees and/or propose non-renewal of term contract employees
10.B. Discussion, consideration and possible action regarding appointment of an Interim Superintendent on the retirement of Superintendent Taylor in December 2015
10.C. Executive Session/CLOSED MEETING: Consultation with attorney (TX Gov't Code 551.071) and or PERSONNEL MATTERS (TX Govt. Code 551.074 )
11. Closed Meeting - Adjournment to closed meeting pursuant to Sections 551.071 (consultation with Board's attorney), 551.072 (discuss purchase, exchange, lease, sale, value of real property) and 551.074 (deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties discipline or dismissal of a public officer or employee) of the Texas Gov't Code
12. Open Session, Action on Item 10 A - C
13. Closing Meeting
13.A. Adjourn