August 16, 2012 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Meeting Call To Order
1.A. Read the Open Meeting Notice
2. Pledge of Allegiance to the US Flag
3. Consent Agenda Items
3.A. Minutes of the Workshop Meeting and Regular Monthly Meeting held on July 10, 2012 and the Special Meeting held on July 27, 2012
3.B. Monthly financial and investment reports
3.C. Support Service and Employee Attendance Reports
3.D. Receive 2012-13 Student and Employee Handbooks
3.E. PDAS/Local Alternative Appraisal Calendar
4. Communications Not on the Agenda
4.A. Request(s) to address the Board - Policy BED (LOCAL)
5. Special Reports/Information Items
5.A. District Effectiveness Report (DER): Gateway Student Support Center
5.B. Air Force School Liaison Officer job overview by SAFB's point-of-contact, Michael Wenk, CIV USAF AETC 82 FSS/FSFR
5.C. STAAR, End-of-Course and TAKS scores for 2011- 2012
5.D. Federal, NCLB Act of 2001, Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) 2011-12 compliance status; and district and campus requirements for not meeting federal targets
6. Financial Reports and Action Items
6.A. Certified tax appraisal roll values for 2012
6.B. Consider adoption of budget for school year 2012-13: Projected Revenue of $27,926,190 and Expenditures $27,740,247 with a projected balance of +$185,943
6.C. Consider adoption of proposed Maintenance and Operating (M&O) tax rate of $1.17 per 100 value and proposed Interest and Sinking (I&S) tax rate of $0.13 per 100 value for a total proposed rate of $1.30 per 100 value for 2012-13
6.D. Proposal by Billy Morgan to sell lot on Ave. F to BISD
7. Unfinished Business
7.A. TASB Policy Review Recommendations approval
8. New Business
9. Personnel Reports and Action Items
9.A. Resignation/retirement requests
9.B. Employment of staff as recommended by the Superintendent
9.C. Formative, mid-year superintendent evaluation and goal setting
10. Open Session, Action on Item 9.A and 9.B
11. Closing Meeting
11.A. Adjourn.