May 26, 2009 at 7:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Meeting Call To Order 6:00 P.M.
1.A. Open Meeting Notice
1.B. Administer oath of office to fill Board Place 6 and 7
1.C. Reorganize the Board: elect officers
1.D. Policy BBF: Ethics: BBFA: Conflict of Interest; and BBFB: Ethics - Prohibited Practices and BBC Compensation & Expenses - distribute for review and appropriate signatures
1.E. Delegate and alternate to the TASB Delegate Assembly
1.F. Leadership TASB invitation
1.G. Annual Board orientation on operating procedures meeting date
2. Workshop/Reports/Information
2.A. Workshop Items
2.A.1. Future agendas review
2.A.2. Budget committee appointments and meeting dates and times
2.B. Report Items
2.B.1. Capital refurbishment projects update
2.B.2. Legislative update
2.C. Information Items/Dates
2.C.1. Graduation Ceremony - June 5 at 8:00 PM, Kay Yeager Arena
3. Closed/Executive Session (if necessary) or Recess
3.A. Private consultation with attorney Tx. Govt. Code Sec. 551.071
4. Reconvene regular meeting approximately 7:00 PM
5. Pledge of Allegiance - BHS extra-curricular students
6. Consent Agenda Items
6.A. Minutes of the Regular Meeting held on April 16, 2009, and Special Meeting held on April 13, 2009
6.B. Monthly financial and investment reports
6.C. Monthly support services report
6.D. Monthly absence reports YTD
6.E. Principal's 3rd Quarter Reports
6.F. Contraband and drug awareness contract extension
6.G. Tax refund over $500 - Sykes
7. Communications Not on the Agenda
7.A. Address the Board - Policy BED (LOCAL)
8. Reports/Recognitions
8.A. Teacher of the Year recognition
8.B. Student achievements and awards: January - May
8.C. DER Athetics
8.D. DER Health Services
8.E. Student performance review - TAKS scores
9. Financial Reports and Action Items
9.A. Federal stimulus IDEA expenditure project approvals
9.B. Bid #540 Basketball, Tennis, Soccer, Golf and Power Lifting Fall 2009
9.C. Bid # 541 HVAC Hardin Elementary School
9.D. Bid #542 Roofing at Tower Elementary School
9.E. Bid # 543 UIL Student Insurance
9.F. RFP # 544 High School Yearbook
9.G. RFP # 545 Road at BHS
9.H. Board Conference Center renovations - budget amendment
10. Unfinished Business
10.A. Policy EIA (LOCAL) Progress Reports - 2nd Reading
10.B. BHS schedule revision scenarios and financial impact study
10.C. Tabled Level Three Title IX Complaint by Brennen Moore on Item #3 and Item #4 possible action
11. New Business
11.A. Policy Update 85 affecting (LOCAL) policies CNB Transportation Management, CQ Electronic Communication and Data Management, DBB Employment Requirements, FL Student Records, and GRA Relations with Governmental Entities
11.B. Student Performance Goals - "Road to Excellence 2009 - 2012" revisions
11.C. Policy EIAA (LOCAL) Examinations - 1st Reading
12. Personnel Reports and Action Items
12.A. Resignation/retirement requests
12.B. Employ Personnel as Recommended
12.C. Consultation with attorney (Tex. Gov't code 551.071)
13. Open Session, Action on Item 12.A - C
14. Closing Meeting
14.A. Adjourn