June 27, 2023 at 5:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Convene in a quorum and call to order; invocation and pledges of allegiance
II. Adjournment to closed session pursuant to Texas Government Code sections:
551.074 for the purpose of considering the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline or dismissal of a public officer or employee, or to hear complaints of charges against a public officer or employee, unless the individual who is the subject of the deliberation or hearing requests a public hearing; concerning matters related to the superintendent’s recommendation to hire administrative personnel; and/or the superintendent’s recommendations related to renewals, non-renewals, and terminations of contracts for professional personnel 551.071 to consult with district attorneys concerning matters on which the attorney's duty to the District under the Code of Professional Responsibility clearly conflicts with the Texas Open Meetings Act; to seek the advice of its attorney about pending or contemplated litigation or a settlement offer; and/or to consider legal advice regarding items specifically listed on the agenda 551.072 for the purpose of discussing the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property |
III. Reconvene in open session at 7:00 p.m.
IV. Public Comments according to Policy BED (LOCAL) - Related to items on the open session portion of the agenda (30-minute allotment). In lieu of a public appearance at the board meeting, members of the public may submit written comments to the board regarding agenda items/topics via email no later than three (3) hours prior to the beginning of the meeting addressed to: board@pasadenaisd.org, which will be provided to the board. In your email, please state your name, address, topic, and comment.
V. Consent Agenda
V.1. Minutes 05 30 23
V.2. Minutes 06 13 23
V.3. Informational Pages
V.4. Bid Items
1. Competitive Sealed Bids and/or Request for Competitive Sealed Proposals · Painting Murals, RFP #23R-049TJ · Police/Safety Equipment and Services, RFP #23R-050LL 2. Information Summary of Purchase Orders over $10,000 · May 1, 2023 through May 31, 2023
V.5. Consideration and possible approval of quarterly report on investments
VI. Personnel Section
VI.1. Consideration and possible approval of administrative personnel
VI.2. Consideration and possible approval of the reorganization of the Curriculum and Instruction Department with an estimated annual savings of $181,707
VI.3. Consideration and possible approval technology specific pay plan and department reorganization for a cost of approximately $146,500
VI.4. Consideration and possible approval of additional personnel, reorganizations, and reclassifications for the 2023-2024 school year
VI.5. Certified personnel for the 2023-2024 school year - For Information Only
VI.6. Support personnel for the 2023-2024 school year - For Information Only
VII. Educational Section
VII.1. To provide the School Health Advisory Council (SHAC) Board Report for 2022-2023 and the Pasadena ISD Wellness Policy Triennial Report 2022-23 (Presentation by Alise Neff)
VII.2. Consideration and possible approval of the subscription renewal contract with ESC Region 11 for Discovery Education Streaming for the 2023-2024 school year at the cost of $96,964.74
VII.3. Consideration and possible approval of the subscription with Texas State Library and Archives Commission for the 2023-2024 school year for approximately $14,130.54 (based on the 2022 reported enrollment)
VII.4. Consideration and possible approval of the 2023-2024 Innovative Services for Students with Autism grant in the amount of $552,979
VII.5. Consideration and possible approval of the College and Career Readiness Model (Early College High School) Blueprint Best Practices Program grant in the amount of $30,000
VII.6. Consideration and possible approval of the School Safety Standards Formula grant award in the amount of $2,079,377
VII.7. Consideration and possible approval of the Dyslexia Grant Award Program in the amount of $291,580
VII.8. Consideration and possible approval of the Richey Community Track project
VII.9. Consideration and possible approval of the Fueling Brains agreement for Pre-K professional learning and the Fueling Brains software application in the amount of $71,000 for the 2023-2024 school year
VII.10. Consideration and possible approval of the partnership agreement with Communities in Schools Southeast Harris County for the 2023-2024 school year in the amount of $410,000 in PISD local funds (included in the proposed budget for the 2023-2024 school year), $212,000 in federal funds, and $59,500 in contributions from campus budgets
VIII. Financial Section
VIII.1. Consideration and possible approval of Budget Amendments for May 2023
VIII.2. Consideration and possible approval of an Order Expressing Intent to Defease Certain of the District’s Outstanding Bonds; and Approving Other Provisions Related Thereto
VIII.3. Consideration and possible approval of an Order Authorizing the Issuance of Pasadena Independent School District Unlimited Tax School Building and/or Refunding Bonds in One or More Series; Setting Certain Parameters for the Bonds; Authorizing a Pricing Officer to Approve the Amount, the Interest Rate, Price, Including the Terms Thereof, Authorizing the Engagement of Bond Counsel; and Other Matters Related Thereto
The foregoing Order authorizes the engagement of Bond Counsel pursuant to an engagement letter under which the Pasadena Independent School District will obtain specialized legal services in connection with the issuance of bonds or other obligations to pay or refinance the costs of one or more projects of the District, based on the demonstrated competence and qualifications of such attorneys; finding that (i) such legal services require specialized expertise and experience in municipal finance, federal tax law and federal and state securities laws and therefore cannot be adequately performed by the attorneys and supporting personnel of the District, (ii) such legal services cannot be reasonably obtained from attorneys in private practice under an hourly fees contract without contingency because the District will not be obligated to pay any legal fees until the successful completion and closing of the contemplated transaction and (iii) entering into a contingent fee contract for legal services is in the best interest of the residents of the District because such firm will only be paid if the contemplated transaction is successfully completed and closed
VIII.4. Consideration and possible approval of Resolution concerning PISD FICA Alternative Services-457 (b) Plan, Voluntary 457 (b) Plan, and 403 (b) Plan
IX. Operations Section
IX.1. Energy Conservation Program update, and Student Scholarship Check Presentation – For Information Only
IX.2. Consideration and possible approval of a Pre-Event Master Service Agreement between PISD and Cotton Commercial USA, Inc.
IX.3. Consideration and possible approval of the Schematic Design Phase for the 2022 Bond Program new Williams Elementary School Replacement project
IX.4. Consideration and possible approval of the Design Development Phase for the 2022 Bond Program new Jessup Elementary School Replacement project
IX.5. Consideration and possible approval of the conveyance of a sidewalk easement located at Wald Street, east property line of the new Maintenance, Operations & Warehouse Facility in the amount of one dollar
IX.6. Consideration and possible approval of Change Order No. 001 for the Football Field Synthetic Turf Conversion at Five High Schools project in the credit amount of $218,880.00
IX.7. Consideration and possible approval of Change Order No. 002 for the new Administration Building Replacement project in the amount of $1,020,293.00
IX.8. Consideration and possible approval of Allowance Expenditure Authorization (AEA) No. T-002 for the new Administration Building Replacement project in the amount of $1,020,293.00
X. Construction Update - For Information Only
XI. Miscellaneous Section
XI.1. Public Comments according to BED (LOCAL) - Related to topics not listed on the agenda (30-minute allotment). In lieu of a public appearance at the board meeting, members of the public may submit written comments to the board regarding topics not listed on the agenda via email no later than three (3) hours prior to the beginning of the meeting addressed to: board@pasadenaisd.org, which will be provided to the board. In your email, please state your name, address, topic and comment
XI.2. Set date for next regular meeting; suggest Tuesday, July 25, 2023
XII. Adjournment