June 21, 2022 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Pledge of Allegiance and Prayer
2. Call to Order and Establish Quorum (Presenter: Melford Pierce)
3. Public comments
4. Communications
5. Consent agenda
5.a. Minutes of the May 17, 2022 Regular meeting of the board
5.b. Monthly financial report
6. Information Items:
6.a. Principals Report
6.b. Athletic Director Report
7. Consider and approve Resolution to Designate Officer to Calculate Tax Rate
8. Discussion of School Safety
9. Discussion Guardian Plan
10. Deliberation and possible approval of Amendments to Policies CKC (Local), DH (Local), and GKA (Local)
11. Discuss and set date for goal development workshop / Board Training upcoming months 2022
12. Superintendent's Report
12.a. Summer maintenance update
12.b. Facility Committee
12.c. Collegiate Edu Network (CEN)
13. Executive Session
13.a. Personnel: (TX Gov Code Sec. 551.074)
13.a.1. Discuss and approve or consider contract recommendations of the following personnel: (TX Gov Code Sec. 551.074)
13.a.1.a. Teacher/Coach
13.a.1.b. Elementary Pre-Kindergarten Classroom Teacher
13.a.1.c. Secondary Spanish Classroom Teacher
13.a.1.d. Elementary Principal
13.b. Resignation from Employees (TX Gov Code Sec. 551.074)
14. Return to Regular Session
15. Consider and take action on contract recommendations for hiring personnel
16. Accept resignation from employees
17. Adjourn