May 3, 2022 at 5:15 PM - Special Called Meeting
Agenda |
1. Pledge of Allegiance and Prayer
2. Call to Order and Establish Quorum (Presenter: Melford Pierce)
3. Public comments
4. Consider and approve Extra Pay-Stipend Schedule 2022-2023
5. Executive Session
5.a. Personnel: (TX Gov Code Sec. 551.074)
5.a.1. Discuss and consider contract recommendations of the following personnel (TX Gov Code Sec. 551.074)
5.a.1.a. Secondary Math Teacher
5.a.1.b. Teacher/Coach
5.a.2. Accept resignations from Employees (TX Gov Code Sec. 551.074)
6. Return to Regular Session
7. Consider and take action accepting resignations
8. Consider and take action on personnel contract recommendations
9. Adjourn