July 31, 2017 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Pledge of Allegiance and Prayer
2. Call to Order and Establish Quorum (Presenter: Melford Pierce)
3. Mission Statement and Vision
4. Public comments
5. Communications
6. Consent agenda
6.a. Minutes of the June 29, 2017 Budget Workshop/Special called meeting of the Board
6.b. Minutes of the June 29, 2017 Regular meeting of the Board
6.c. Monthly financial report
6.d. Amend the 2016-2017 Budget
6.e. Alamo Supply and Hardware
7. Information Items:
7.a. Principals Report
7.b. Athletic Directors Report
8. Consider and take action on Meal Pricing for 2017-2018
9. Discuss revisions and approve the Student Handbook for 2017-2018
10. Consider and adopt the Student Code of Conduct for 2017-2018
11. Review the 2017-2018 Budget and Propose 2017-2018 Property Tax Rate
12. Set date for a Public Meeting to discuss the 2017-2018 Budget and the 2017-2018 Proposed Property Tax Rate
13. Discuss and consider taking action on construction method and contract of Construction Manager Agent
14. Consider and take action to approve services of a municipal advisor to advise on financing methods and fiscal management
15. Review state assessment test results
16. Superintendent's Report
16.a. Summer maintenance update
16.b. Board Training
17. Consider and approve TASB Update 108 (Local) Policy
18. Executive Session
18.a. Personnel (TX Gov Code Sec. 551.074)
18.a.1. Discuss and approve or consider contract recommendations of the following personnel: (TX Gov Code Sec. 551.074)
18.a.1.a. Elementary Principal
18.a.2. Discuss and approve or consider contract recommendations of the following personnel: (TX Gov Code Sec. 551.074)
18.a.2.a. Teacher/Coach
18.a.3. Resignation of employees (TX Gov Code Sec. 551.074)
19. Return to Regular Session
20. Consider and take action on contract recommendations for hiring personnel
21. Accept resignation from employees
22. Adjourn