May 21, 2018 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Roll Call
2. Invocation
3. Approval of Minutes
4. Communications
5. Audience to Patrons and Petitions
6. Information Items
6.A. Enrollment Reports.
6.A.1. Community
Education Courses. The Director, Community Education, reports the attached enrollment numbers for the Community Education Program for the month of April 2015-2018.
6.A.2. Center for
Business/Industry Training. The Director, Center for Business/Industry Training, reports the attached enrollment and participant hours for April 2014-2018.
6.B. Report of Taxes Collected. Attached is the report of taxes collected for the month of April 2018.
6.C. Report of Unfilled Positions. The Vice President, Human Resources, provides the attached report on vacant positions that are currently being advertised.
6.D. New
Teachers for Community Education Program. Attached is a communication from the Director, Community Education, reporting three new teachers for the Community Education Program.
6.E. Fund
Development Report. The Vice President, College Advancement, provides the attached report on fund development activities of the Brazosport College Foundation for the months of April and May 2018.
6.F. Emergency Planning Update. The Vice President, Human Resources, and Director, Campus Safety & Chief of Police, provide the attached update on emergency planning from May 1, 2017 to present.
6.G. Dual Credit Update. The Dean of Student Services provides the attached update on Brazosport College’s dual credit program. This newsletter highlights college-wide initiatives under the leadership of the Provost and Vice President for Academic & Student Affairs and the Vice President for College Advancement.
Leadership Congress 2018. Registration for the 2018 ACCT Annual Leadership Congress is now open. It will be held at the New York Marriott Marquis, Wednesday, October 24th to Saturday, October 27th. The theme of this year's Congress is Partnerships: Building Blocks for Student Success. Dr. Jane Leidlein has confirmed her attendance and will be attending the conference with Dr. Millicent Valek, President.
6.I. Policy
Review. At the Board Workshop on February 13-14, 2009, Regents initiated a systematic review of Board policy. It was suggested that a number of Board policies be included for review as part of each monthly agenda. Questions regarding the referenced policy may be addressed to the President prior to the meeting for clarification and/or discussion.
The attached policies DBE (LEGAL) and DBE (EXHIBIT) regarding Employment Requirements and Restrictions – Nepotism are presented for the Board's information on page 57 and also can be found at: and
6.J. Brazosport
College Calendar.
The Brazosport College Calendar for May 28, 2018 through August 23, 2018 is attached.
7. Reports/Presentations
7.A. Peer
Recruiters' Annual Report. An oral presentation of enrollment activities for 2017-2018 will be made by the Peer Recruiters. The Peer Recruiters are a unique College department comprised of six part-time peer recruiters that are also Brazosport College students. Five of the recruiters represent a local high school in our service area, and the sixth recruiter represents our non-traditional student population.
7.B. Compensation Study/Compensation Guidelines. Included in the agenda is a Compensation Study completed by Arthur J. Gallagher & Co. The Vice President, Human Resources, will present an analysis and recommendation to the Board of Regents on the proposed FY19 salary structure adjustments and step increases. These proposed compensation increases will be an action item at the Board’s meeting in June.
7.C. President's Report.
-College Update -Regents Visibility |
8. Unfinished Business
8.A. Proposed Amended Board Policy - CAK (LOCAL) - Appropriations and Revenue Sources - Investments. The Vice President, Financial Services & CFO, recommends adoption of amended Policy CAK (LOCAL) regarding Appropriations and Revenue Sources - Investments. Board policy provides that new or amended policies are to be presented at one meeting and adopted at a subsequent meeting. Attached is a copy of the proposed amended policy with existing policy language appearing as regular text, deleted language appearing with a line through it, and new language underlined.
This proposed policy is presented for second reading and adoption.
9. New Business
9.A. Certification of Election and Statement of Officer. The Secretary of the Board of Regents certifies that each of the following Regents has been duly elected:
Lucilla Henderson, Board of Regents, Position 1 Robert Perryman, Board of Regents, Position 2 Steven D. Solis, Board of Regents, Position 3 Daniel L. Yates, Board of Regents, Position 5 It would be appropriate for the Board to certify the election results and for each designated Regent to sign the Statement of Officer document.
9.B. Oath of Office. Each duly elected Regent is required to take the Oath of Office.
It would be appropriate for the newly elected members to take the Oath of Office and sign the appropriate document.
9.C. Election of Board Officers. Board Policy states that the Board shall elect Officers from its members at the next regular meeting following the election of Regents. Board Policy further states that the College President shall serve as Secretary and Chief Executive Administrator of the Board.
Election of a Chairman and Vice Chairman for two-year terms will be in order. |
9.D. Computer Vendor Approval. Attached is a communication from the Information Technology department recommending Board approval of Dell computer purchases for fiscal year 2018-2019 which are anticipated to be greater than $100,000. The Vice President, Financial Services & CFO, and President join in this recommendation.
It would be appropriate for the Board to approve Dell computer purchases for fiscal year 2018-2019.
9.E. Property Insurance Renewal. The College has the option to continue its property insurance coverage in one year increments for a period of five years without competitive bidding. This is the third year of the five year option period. Ben Odom of McGriff, Seibels & Williams of Texas, Inc. provides the attached renewal proposal, premium comparison, and premium history chart. It is our recommendation that we accept the 2018-2019 program premium in the amount of $478,325 which includes sublimit increases over the prior year coverage.
It would be appropriate for the Board to approve the property insurance for a minimum of one (1) year with McGriff, Seibels & Williams of Texas, Inc.
9.F. Personnel.
9.F.1. Employment of Matthew Williams as Government Faculty. Included in the agenda is a communication from the Provost and Vice President, Academic & Student Affairs, recommending the employment of Mr. Matthew Williams as Government Faculty for the 2018-2019 academic year. A biographical summary and position notice are also included.
The President joins in this recommendation. It would be appropriate for the Board to approve the contract for the periods and conditions identified.
9.F.2. Employment of Om Chawla as Safety, Health, and Environmental Management Faculty. Included in the agenda is a communication from the Provost and Vice President, Academic & Student Affairs, recommending the employment of Mr. Om Chawla as Safety, Health, and Environmental Management Faculty for the 2018-2019 academic year. A biographical summary and position notice are also included.
The President joins in this recommendation. It would be appropriate for the Board to approve the contract for the periods and conditions identified.
9.F.3. Employment of Arlinda Montiel as Early Childhood Education Faculty. Included in the agenda is a communication from the Provost and Vice President, Academic & Student Affairs, recommending the employment of Dr. Arlinda Montiel as Early Childhood Education Faculty for the 2018-2019 academic year. A biographical summary and position notice are also included.
The President joins in this recommendation. It would be appropriate for the Board to approve the contract for the periods and conditions identified.
9.G. Financial Report. The Vice President, Financial Services & CFO, provides the attached financial report for April 2018.
It is recommended that the Board accept the financial report. Executive Session – Room 105 The President requests an Executive Session as provided in the Texas Government Code, Section 551.074. For the purpose of considering the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee or to hear complaints or charges against a public officer or employee. • To discuss evaluation, contract and employment
terms and contract renewal for President. • To consider Executive Benefit Plan and terms. Open Session – Room 104 Action on Items Discussed in Executive Session Consideration and action, if any, regarding items discussed in Executive Session. (Those listed under Executive Session in this notice.)