September 19, 2016 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Roll Call
2. Invocation
3. Approval of Minutes
4. Communications
5. Audience to Patrons and Petitions
6. Information Items
6.A. Enrollment Reports
6.A.1. Credit Students. The Registrar's Office reports the attached headcount/contact hour enrollment for the Fall 2016 semester.
6.A.2. Dual Credit
and Concurrent Enrollment Report. The Registrar’s Office reports the attached dual credit and concurrent enrollment for the Fall 2016 semester.
6.A.3. Community Education Courses. The Director, Community Education, provides the attached enrollment numbers for the Community Education Program for the month of August 2013-2016.
6.A.4. Center for Business/Industry Training. The Director, Center for Business/Industry Training, reports the attached enrollment and participant hours for August 2012-2016.
6.B. Report of Taxes Collected. Attached is the report of taxes collected for the month of August 2016.
6.C. Report of Unfilled Positions. The Vice President, Human Resources, provides the attached report on vacant positions that are currently being advertised.
Approval of New
Teachers for Community Education Program.
Attached is a communication from the Director, Community Education, reporting on four new teachers for the Community Education Program.
6.E. Fund Development Report. The Vice President, College Advancement, provides the attached report on fund development activities of the Brazosport College Foundation for the months of August and September 2016.
6.F. Adjunct Credit
Teachers, Fall 2016. The Vice President, Academic and Student Affairs, recommends approval of adjunct teachers in the attached memo for 2016 Fall semester credit courses. Each of the teachers is qualified in the area of assignment.
Johnson Controls Performance Project Update. The Vice President, Financial Services & CFO, provides the attached update on the status of the Johnson Controls Performance Project.
6.H. Police Department Update. The Vice President, Human Resources, and Director, Campus Safety and Chief of Police, provide the attached update on the status of the transition to a Police Department.
6.I. Bookstore Study. The Vice President, Financial Services & CFO, provides the attached bookstore information.
Approval of 2016-2017
SBDC Budget. Attached is a communication from the Director, Small Business Development Center, recommending a budget in the amount of $283,614 for the Small Business Development Center (SBDC) program for 2016-2017. The SBDC operates on an October 1 to September 30 fiscal year in order to coincide with the federal fiscal year.
The President, under authority granted by the Board, has approved this recommendation.
Budget Carryover Funds - SBDC
Grant. Attached is a communication from the Director, Business Services, regarding carryover funds for the Small Business Development Center. Because the SBDC budget year does not coincide with the College budget year, it is necessary to carry the funds forward from one College budget year to the next. This process neither increases nor decreases any budget amount, but allows funds to be used during two different College budget periods.
6.L. Student Success Center Report. The Director, Student Success Center, provides the attached update on activities of the Student Success Center for the past year.
6.M. Writing Center Report. The Director, Writing Center, provides the attached update on activities of the Writing Center for the past year.
6.N. THECB Accountability Report. The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board regularly updates its accountability system for Texas institutions of higher education. Attached for the Board's Information is the Brazosport College Accountability Report and the Financial Condition Analysis of Texas Public Community College Districts report from the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. Also attached is a memorandum from the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board with online access to the accountability reports and the financial condition report.
6.O. ACCT Leadership Congress 2016. The 46th Annual ACCT Leadership Congress is scheduled for October 5-8, 2016, in New Orleans, Louisiana. The theme for the Congress is Call to Action: Lead with Intent. Members of the Board of Regents, Steve Solis and Carolyn Johnson, Chair, will attend with Dr. Millicent Valek, President.
6.P. Report to the Community & Scholarship Breakfast. The Brazosport College Foundation will be hosting the Report to the Community & Scholarship Breakfast on Tuesday, October 11, 2016. The breakfast meeting will begin at 8:00 A.M. in the Dow Academic Center, Hall D. The guest speaker for the biennial event will be Mr. Sig Cornelius, President & COO of Freeport LNG Development. The theme for the 2016 event is Community College First. Invitations will be extended to the Board of Regents by mail.
6.Q. THECB 2016 Leadership Conference. The THECB 2016 Leadership Conference will be held at the Crowne Plaza Austin Hotel (6121 I-35 North in Austin) on October 25-26, 2016. The conference will begin at 8:00 A.M. on Tuesday, October 25, 2016, with an orientation for new governing board members and other interested education leaders. Registration for the conference is now open and is to be made through Kasie Guthrie, Executive Assistant to the President. Members of the Board of Regents are invited to attend with Dr. Millicent Valek, President.
Review. At the Board Workshop on February 13-14, 2009, Regents initiated a systematic review of Board policy. It was suggested that a number of Board policies be included for review as part of each monthly agenda. Questions regarding the referenced policy may be addressed to the President prior to the meeting for clarification and/or discussion.
The attached policy CMA (LEGAL) regarding Competitive Bidding for Facilities Construction is presented for the Board's information on page 104 and also can be found at:
6.S. Brazosport College Calendar. The Brazosport College Calendar for September 24, 2016 – November 25, 2016, is attached.
7. Reports/Presentations
7.A. CBIT Annual Report. The Director, Center for Business/Industry Training, will present information about current CBIT activities and plans for the future.
7.B. President's Report.
-College Update -Legislative Update |
8. Unfinished Business
8.A. Selection of Investment Advisor. A Request for Proposal (RFP) was issued for the College’s investment advisor services. Five proposals were received in response to the RFP, three of which were selected for Board interviews. On August 15, 2016, the Board conducted interviews with the following three firms: Bernstein Private Wealth Management, Atlas Mark Financial Inc., and TIAA-CREF Trust Company. Attached are the answers to some additional questions posed by the Board to the three firms.
It would be appropriate for the Board to deliberate and determine if they wish to pursue a contract with one of the selected firms to provide investment advisor services to Brazosport College.
9. New Business
Re-adoption of Tax
Abatement Guidelines and Criteria. Chapter 312, Property Redevelopment and Tax Abatement Act, of the Texas Tax Code permits taxing units to enter into abatement agreements provided certain conditions are met. On October 12, 1988, the Brazosport College District Board of Regents approved a resolution of the Board’s intent to participate in tax abatements and established guidelines and criteria governing tax abatement agreements. These guidelines and criteria must be re-adopted every two years or sooner if changes are made by Brazoria County. On May 10, 2016, the Brazoria County Commissioners’ Court adopted new guidelines and criteria. Attached is a memo from the Vice President, Financial Services & CFO, recommending Board review of the Tax Abatement Guidelines and Criteria, Application and Agreement. Redlined documents showing suggested changes are attached.
It would be appropriate for the Board to review the revised Tax Abatement Guidelines and Criteria, Application and Agreement for first reading.
9.B. Interlocal Agreement with Madge Griffith Elementary School. Attached is an Interlocal Agreement between Brazosport College and Madge Griffith Elementary School which allows utilization of the College gymnasium in the event of an emergency evacuation by local emergency management authority.
It would be appropriate for the Board to authorize the Interlocal Agreement.
9.C. Praxair, Inc. Tax Abatement Request. On August 31, 2016, the Brazosport College Tax Abatement Review Committee (TARC) met with John Peterson, Central Region Area Director of Praxair, Inc., Tim Bowling, Senior Commercial Manager of Praxair Inc., and Eric Geisler, President of Economic Incentive Services, LLC, to discuss the attached tax abatement application received from Praxair, Inc.
The attached Praxair, Inc. tax abatement application has been submitted in accordance with the Guidelines and Criteria for Tax Abatements in Brazosport College District; however, the College has not yet received the executed Brazoria County tax abatement document. It would be appropriate for the Board to consider the abatement application of Praxair, Inc. and consider authorizing the President to execute the abatement agreement after the Brazoria County document has been received.
9.D. Sale of Properties Held in Trust. Attached is a communication from the Brazoria County Tax Office containing a recommendation from the Property Tax Resale Committee of Brazoria County for the sale of certain properties held in trust by Brazoria County (account numbers 8110-0098-000 and 8115-0054-000).
It would be appropriate for the Board to approve the Sale of Properties Held in Trust.
Financial Report. Attached is the financial report for August 2016.
It is recommended that the Board accept the financial report.