October 20, 2022 at 10:00 AM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Proclamation Presentation from State Representative of Texas Charles "Doc" Anderson
3. Discuss and Consider Approval of the Appointment of Rose Cameron to Fill an Unexpired Term on the ESC Region 12 Board of Directors for Place 4, Representing Coryell and Hamilton Counties
4. Administer Oath of Office to Board Member Rose Cameron
5. Discuss and Consider Approval of Minutes for August 16, 2022 Meeting
6. Discuss and Consider Approval of Financial Reports
6.A. Bills Paid as of July 31, 2022
6.B. Bills Paid as of August 31, 2022
6.C. Board Report
6.D. Interest Earnings Report
6.E. Cash Flow Report
7. Discuss and Consider Final Budget Amendment for the 2021-2022 Fiscal Year
8. Discuss and Consider Approval of Extension of Depository Contract with First National Bank of Central Texas
9. Discuss and Consider Approval of the Share the Success Merit Pay System 2021-2022 Recommendations
10. Discuss and Consider Approval of Purchasing Over $50,000 of New Furniture for the Bluebonnet, Mockingbird, and Pecan Meeting Rooms
11. Discuss and Consider Approval of the Purchase/Lease of Over $50,000 for an SUV for the Executive Director
12. Discuss and Consider Approval of Purchasing Over $50,000 of Texas Instruments Calculators
13. Discuss and Consider Approval of the Sale of 4.8 Acres TJ Chambers Grant Survey Land Owned by ESC Region 12
14. Discuss and Consider Approval of External Financial Auditor for HOT Workforce Development Board
15. Discuss and Consider Approval of ESC-Initiated (LOCAL) Policies
16. Discuss Facilities Report
17. Executive Session in Accordance with the Texas Government Code (Sec. 551.001)
18. Receive Personnel Report
19. Receive Informational Reports
19.A. AESA National Conference — November 30-December 2 — Atlanta, Georgia