January 4, 2024 at 6:00 PM - Organizational Meeting
Agenda |
I. Routine Matters
I.A. Roll Call: Matt Meissner, Teri Umbreit, Ken Lind, Kristin Papke, William Schmidt, Rory Roth, Brent Stavig; ex officio
I.B. Seating of New Board Member - Oath
I.C. Approval of Agenda
I.D. Election of Officers: Chair, Vice Chair, Clerk, Treasurer
I.E. Board Organization
I.E.1. Adopt Robert's Rules of Order
I.E.2. Establish regular school board meeting dates, time and location
I.E.3. Board Compensation (currently $50 per meeting or $100 per day)
I.E.4. Establish County News Review as the official newspaper
I.E.5. MN School District Liquid Asset Fund, PMA Companies, Northwoods Bank and Unity Bank as official depositories for district financial resources
I.E.6. Executive Assistant will coordinate credit card program
I.E.7. Designate Business Manager and Superintendent as authority for electronic fund transfers
I.E.8. Superintendent will communicate with attorneys Squires, Waldspurger & Mace; Ratwick, Roszak, Maloney; or Knutson, Flynn et. al. If the complaint is against the Superintendent, then the Board Chair will communicate with the attorneys.
I.E.9. Membership in the following organizations:Minnesota School Boards Association (MSBA), Resource Training and Solutions - Membership, Resource Training and Solutions - Mgmt. Asst. Program, Resource Training and Solutions - Onsite Management Service, Central Minnesota Educational Research and Development Council (CMERDC), Minnesota State High School League (MSHSL) and Schools For Equity in Education (SEE).
I.E.10. Committee Assignments: St. Croix River Education District (SCRED), Board Advisory, Facilities, Finance, Policy, ECMECC, MSHSL, SEE, MSBA Legislative Liason Representative
I.E.11. Designate Superintendent as the Identified Official with Authority (IOwA) to authorize user access to State of Minnesota Education secure websites for Rush City Schools
I.E.12. Principal Bulletin Board Designation
II. Discuss Process for Board Goals & Evaluation
III. Adjournment