December 11, 2023 at 5:00 PM - Regular Board Meeting
Agenda | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1. Call the meeting to order/roll call
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Mission Statement
4. Open forum for citizens to address the school board
5. Approved of Agenda
6. Approval of routine business items which includes the consent agenda, board bills, and the approval of meeting minutes.
6.a. Consent Agenda
6.a.1. Retirements-Resignations
6.a.1.a. Resignation from Halley Massmann in the FHS as an EA, as of December 12th.
6.a.1.b. Child Nutrition Kitchen Assistant-Amber Johnson resigns as of 12/5/2023.
6.a.2. Contracts/Adjustments/Position Change
6.a.3. Michele Gross (FHS Teacher) was awarded a $1,000 grant from the Mark Schonwetter Holocaust Education Foundation. Michele will use the grant to purchase reading materials for her college literature course.
6.a.4. Approval of Meeting Minutes
6.a.5. Board Bills
7. Resolution for Accepting Gifts (Action)
8. City of Foley presentation on growth-Sarah Brunn and Benton County Economic Partnership, Inc.- Amanda Othoudt
9. Policies requiring review: (Discussion) First reading and call for public comment of the following policies:
9.a. Policy 416- Drug, Alcohol and Cannabis Testing
10. Budget-Enrollment Report
11. Administrator Information and Reports
12. Truth and Taxation (Discussion/Action) meeting at 6:15 PM- Meeting will readjourn if needed to fulfill this meeting time.
Tood Netzke
13. Meeting Event and Notices
Note: This list does not include schedule events. Please visit for a full calendar or visit the district office. |
13.a. 12/22/2023-1/1/2023- Winter Break for Foley Public Schools
13.b. 1/8/2023- Organizational Meeting for the Board of Education starting at 6 pm in the FIS Media Center.
13.c. 12/14/2023- FIS Winter Concerts in the FHS Auditorium
6th Grade at 6:00pm 7th Grade at 7:00pm 8th Grade at 8:00pm |
13.d. 12/18/2023- FHS Concert starting at 7pm in the FHS Auditorium.
14. Opportunity for board member comments