August 27, 2018 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to order - Pledge of Allegiance
2. Adoption of Agenda
3. Consideration of Visitors
(To address the School Board, complete the card and submit to the Chair)
4. Dialogue Session Report
5. Consent Agenda
5.1. Approval of August 13, 2018 Annual School Board Minutes
5.2. Approval of Routine Personnel Items-Revised
5.3. Approval of Disbursements
5.4. Approval of Gift Acknowledgements-Revised
5.5. Approval of 2018-19 Region 7AA Facilities Use Agreement
5.6. Approval of Odysseyware
5.7. Approval of Addition of a Temporary Tier 1 License-Julie Sinner
5.8. Approval of 2018-19 At-Will Employee Agreement-Community Expert Industrial Technology Teacher-Added
5.9. Approval of Extended Trip Request-Speech-Added
6. Information Items and Reports
6.1. Design Development Presentation-Added
WOLD & ICS Consulting Representatives
6.2. Cambia Hills & NE Metro 916 Update
Tim Finn & Troy Ferguson
6.3. School Board Training with Outside Consultant Discussion
6.4. Superintendent Search Discussion
6.5. Superintendent Communications and Report-Added
Troy Ferguson
6.6. First Reading of Policy 302-Oraganization of School Calendar and School Day
6.7. First Reading of Policy 311-Home Schooling
6.8. First Reading of Policy 514-Employment Background Checks
6.9. First Reading of Policy 534-Chemical Use and Abuse
6.10. First Reading of Policy 622-Public Data Requests
6.11. First Reading to Eliminate Policy 119-Data Access
7. Action Items
7.1. Approval of ACCAP, INC Lease Change
7.2. Approval of Northeast Metro 916-Cambia Hills Contract
7.3. Approval of Memorandum of Understanding-Bus Drivers
7.4. Approval of Employment of a Teacher
8. Board Member Reports-Added
9. Adjournment