April 24, 2017 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge to Flag
3. Roll Call
Jim Block Ellie Holm
Noel Guerard Dale Lenz Randy Hackett Mark Petron__________________ |
4. Approval of Agenda
It was moved by Director _____________ and seconded by Director ____________ to approve the agenda as presented/amended. Motion carried/failed by ___________ vote. |
5. Approval of Minutes
It was moved by Director ________ and seconded by Director ________ to approve the minutes of the regular meeting on March 20, 2017 as presented/corrected. Motion carried/failed by ________ vote. |
6. Claims, Accounts and Financial
It was moved by Director ____________ and seconded by Director _____________ to approve p-card transactions, bills due and payable, and employee reimbursements as attached and approve all other financial reports as presented. Motion carried/failed by _______ vote. |
7. Recognition of Citizens for Input Purposes
8. Appreciation, Recognition and Presentations
9. Reports/Good News
9.a. Business Manager’s Report
9.b. Principals’ Reports
9.c. Director of Student Activities and Community Education Coordinator's Report
9.d. Superintendent’s Report
9.e. Board Committee Reports
10. Action Items
10.a. Approval of FMLA Leaves
It was moved by Director _____________ and seconded by Director _____________ to approve FMLA leave for Kathy Nelson from approximately March 10, 2017 through April 6, 2017 as per administrative recommendation. Motion carried/failed by ___ vote. |
10.b. Approval of Hirings
The Royalton School Board will approve the following hires based upon the findings of each individual’s background check, licensure status, and discipline report from the MN Department of Education. It was moved by Director _____________ and seconded by Director _____________ to approve the hiring of Dylan Kummet as a junior high baseball coach effective March 28, 2017 as per administrative recommendation. Motion carried/failed by ___ vote. It was moved by Director _____________ and seconded by Director _____________ to approve the hiring of Tony Kile as a van driver effective April 10, 2017 as per administrative recommendation. Motion carried/failed by ___ vote. |
10.c. Approval of Resignations
It was moved by Director _______ and seconded by Director _____ to approve Mara Jacobson's resignation as a JV volleyball coach effective March 17, 2017 with thanks extended for services rendered. Motion carried/failed by ___ vote. It was moved by Director _______ and seconded by Director _____ to approve Kayla Ziwicki's resignation as a paraprofessional effective April 21, 2017 with thanks extended for services rendered. Motion carried/failed by ___ vote. It was moved by Director _______ and seconded by Director _____ to approve Andrea Czeck's resignation as a paraprofessional effective at the end of the 2016-17 school year with thanks extended for services rendered. Motion carried/failed by ___ vote. |
10.d. Approval of Donations
It was moved by Director __________ and seconded by Director _____________to accept $1,500 donation from Rice Area Sportsmen’s Club for clay trap shooting program as per administrative recommendation. Motion carried/failed by ___ vote. It was moved by Director __________ and seconded by Director _____________to accept $4,320 donation from Royals Wrestling Club for wrestling warm-ups as per administrative recommendation. Motion carried/failed by ___ vote. It was moved by Director __________ and seconded by Director _____________to accept $1,399.10 donation from Royals Wrestling Club for two hotel rooms at state as per administrative recommendation. Motion carried/failed by ___ vote. It was moved by Director __________ and seconded by Director _____________to accept the donation of an infield groomer from RBI Club for baseball and softball fields as per administrative recommendation. Motion carried/failed by ___ vote. |
10.e. Approval of Policy 902
It was moved by Director __________ and seconded by Director _____________to approve district policy 902 as presented/amended. Motion carried/failed by ___ vote. |
10.f. Approval of Travel Plans to National BPA Conference
It was moved by Director _____________ and seconded by Director _____________ to approve Mrs. Jacobson's travel plans to the National BPA Conference with our qualifying students as per administrative recommendation. Motion carried/failed by ___ vote. |
10.g. Approval of Adding a Preschool Teacher
It was moved by Director __________ and seconded by Director _____________to approve adding a preschool teacher in the 2017-18 school year as per administrative recommendation. Motion carried/failed by ___ vote. |
10.h. Approval of Adding a Preschool Paraprofessional
It was moved by Director __________ and seconded by Director _____________to approve adding a preschool paraprofessional in the 2017-18 school year as per administrative recommendation. Motion carried/failed by ___ vote. |
10.i. Approval of Adding an Academic Interventionist at the MS-HS
It was moved by Director __________ and seconded by Director _____________to approve adding a MS-HS academic interventionist in the 2017-18 school year as per administrative recommendation. Motion carried/failed by ___ vote. |
10.j. Approval of Adding .1 FTE to a Current MS-HS PE Teacher Position
It was moved by Director __________ and seconded by Director _____________to approve adding .1 FTE to a current MS-HS PE teacher position in the 2017-18 school year as per administrative recommendation. Motion carried/failed by ___ vote.
10.k. Approval of Adding Two (2) Custodians
It was moved by Director __________ and seconded by Director _____________to approve adding two (2) twelve months custodians as per administrative recommendation. Motion carried/failed by ___ vote. |
10.l. Approval of Adding a Cook
It was moved by Director __________ and seconded by Director _____________to approve adding a cook in the 2017-18 school year as per administrative recommendation. Motion carried/failed by ___ vote. |
10.m. Approval of Adding Two (2) Kitchen Helpers
It was moved by Director __________ and seconded by Director _____________to approve adding two (2) kitchen helpers in the 2017-18 school year as per administrative recommendation. Motion carried/failed by ___ vote. |
10.n. Approval of Capital and LTFM Improvement Plan for FY 2018
It was moved by Director ___________ and seconded by Director _____________ to approve the capital and LTFM improvement plan for FY 2018 as presented/amended. Motion carried/failed by ______ vote. |
10.o. Approval to Award Terrazzo Bid Package
It was moved by Director _____________ and seconded by Director _____________ to approve awarding the terrazzo bid package as presented. Motion carried/failed by ___ vote. |
10.p. Approval to Award Roof Bid Package
It was moved by Director _____________ and seconded by Director _____________ to approve awarding the roof bid package as presented. Motion carried/failed by ___ vote. |
11. Discussion Items
11.a. Employee Negotiations
11.b. First Reading of Policy
12. Information Items
12.a. Enrollment Information
13. Upcoming Meeting Schedule
14. Adjournment
It was moved by Director ______________ and seconded by Director _____________ to adjourn the meeting at _________ p.m. Motion carried/failed by ________ vote. |