September 20, 2013 at 4:00 PM - Superintendent's Weekly Update to the Board of Education
Agenda |
1. Fund Balance Policy
The board policy committee reviewed the two attached documents at yesterday's meeting. We used this information to come up with a recommendation for a 2% annual increase instead of the prior written 1%. In the document "Five-Year Financial Projection" you will see in 2012-13 our projected unassigned fund balance was $707,474. The actual came in at $656,366 or 9.61%. The difference of $51,108 is the arbitration ruling against the School District. Do know in the same year $300,000 was placed into a committed general fund balance (facilities) and could have been left in the unassigned fund balance (see attached document "Fund Balance Summary"). The total would then had been $656,366 + $300,000 = $956,366 or approximately 14%. The 14% is 2% greater than the ending 12% in 2011-12. Bottom line is we grew 2% between 2011-12 and 2012-13 fiscal years. We can project a similar increase between 2012-13 and 2013-14. Therefore, the committee's recommendation is to go with the 2% increase instead of the currently written policy of 1%. Also in the attached document labeled "Fund Balance Policy" you will see the grand total general fund balance to be $1,406,714 or 20.60% of total expenses. |
2. Peanut Allergies
I visited with Phil about the notice to parents regarding peanut allergies. He said we have 5 elementary students with diagnosed peanut allergies. Each one has an emergency plan with the school. For example, epinephrine pens are in the office as part of their individual plans. A letter went home to families of children who are in the same classroom as these five children. The letter requested but not required families to send snacks that are peanut free. A list of possible alternative snacks was provided. Students in classrooms without one of these five students are completely free to have snacks with peanuts. We haven't gone that far...yet. In the lunchroom they stopped serving peanut butter sandwiches as an alternative meal item. The reason for these more extreme measures is the severity of the allergic reaction individuals with peanut allergies have when exposed. |
3. Board Presentation for November
Deb Griffiths is the Director of Communications and Community Outreach for Schools for Equity in Education. She agreed to come to our November board meeting and share information with us about their organizational mission and how they can/want to support Royalton School District. It'll be a good opportunity for you and our public to put a name to the face that's been fighting for us at the Capital. |
4. Royalton Facility Study: Initial Data Needs
I attached a document identifying the kind of data requested by Worner Associates, Inc. The lines with a strike through are the data already collected and sent off to them. We'll have the rest to them next week. |
5. Approval of Weekly Bills
Please find attached the weekly bills for your approval. |