April 24, 2023 at 5:30 PM - Called Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order and Announce Quorum Present
II. Comments from Visitors
Any person/group wishing to address the Board must sign in on the Open Forum list no later than 5:30 pm. A maximum of thirty (30) minutes will be allotted for this section only, with each person being allowed no more than three (3) minutes. The board may not act on any matter not on the agenda. Any person/group wishing to have a specific item placed on the Board Agenda must complete a Board of Trustees Item Request no later than noon of the tenth calendar day before the meeting. Per Board Policy GF (Local), members of the public having complaints or concerns may present their complaints or concerns to the Board only after following the procedure defined in that policy. The Board intends that, whenever feasible, complaints shall be resolved at the lowest possible administrative level. If a complaint comes before the Board that involves concerns or charges regarding an employee or student, it shall be heard by the Board in closed session unless the employee or student to whom the complaint pertains requests that it be heard in open session. Any person wishing to address a specific agenda item must sign in no later than 5:30 pm and indicate the agenda item to be addressed. Each person will be allowed no more than three (3) minutes when the agenda item is called. |
III. Closed Session: Closed Session will be held for purposes permitted by the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code Section 551, Subchapters D and E.
III. - Discuss Personnel Matters and/or Hear Complaints against Personnel (551.074)
III. --Deliberate appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment,
duties or discipline of contract and/or at-will employees |
III. -- Discussion of SHS Athletic Director position
III. - Discuss purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property (551.072)
III. - Discuss the deployment, specific occasions for, or implementation of, security personnel or devices (551.076)
IV. Action Item: Reconvene Open Session for any action relative to discussion during Closed Session
V. Board Communications and Future Action Items
VI. Adjourn