May 8, 2023 at 6:00 PM - Special Meeting
Agenda |
1. Roll Call (6:00 p.m.)
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Changes/Deletions to the Agenda
4. Comments from Visitors
The President will recognize members of the audience who wish to make comments to the Board regarding any topics related to School or District business. The Board will take all comments under advisement without discussion. If a member of the public raises an issue or concern that requires follow-up, the Board President or Superintendent will do so in a timely manner. |
5. Appoint Member to Vacant 2-Year Term
6. Oath of Office to Newly Appointed Board Member
7. Appointment of Board Representatives
7.1. Niles Township Department of Special Education (NTDSE)
7.2. ED-RED
7.3. IASB
7.4. Classrooms First Steering Committee (CFC)
7.5. Community Schools (CSAT) Steering Committee
8. Consent Agenda
It is recommended that the consent agenda for May 8, 2023 be approved as listed. |
8.1. Approval of Minutes
8.1.1. Special Meeting - May 1, 2023
8.1.2. Special Meeting - May 3, 2023
8.2. Approve the administrative contract for the Assistant Superintendent of Business and Operations substantially as presented by the Superintendent and authorize the President and Secretary to sign the contract on behalf of the Board.
9. Closed Session
It is recommended that the Board move into closed session to consider information regarding self-evaluation, practices and procedures or professional ethics, when meeting with a representative of a statewide association of which the public body is a member. |
10. Adjournment