August 10, 2017 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
A. Call to Order and Roll Call
B. Recognition of Guests/Public Comment
C. Committee Reports
C.1. Building INFO
C.2. Transportation INFO
C.3. Finance INFO
C.4. Policy First Reading- ACTION
C.5. Negotiations INFO
C.6. Other Reports INFO
D. Administrative Report INFORMATION
Crystal Johnson will share the administrative update.
E. Consent Items Agenda ACTION
E.1. Consideration of the Bills of the Month
E.2. Approval of Meeting Minutes
F. Cooperative High School Update ACTION
G. Teacher Evaluation Plan ACTION
H. Intergovernmental Agreement with Hoopeston ACTION
I. Student Requests to Attend BHRA ACTION
There have been some students that have requested to transfer to our new cooperative high school. Board discussion about granting requests.
J. Closed Session ACTION
K. Personnel ACTION
K.1. Resignation
K.1.a. Nikki Wojcik
K.2. Volunteers
L. 2017 2018 Fee Schedule ACTION
Attached is the recommended fee schedule for the 2017-2018 school year. We have no say in the lunch or breakfast prices as these are set by the state.
I would recommend increasing the substitute daily rate to $95 versus the current $85. I don't know when the $85 was implemented but I do know that we were at an $80 rate in 2004-2005. With the teaching shortage, I think this may help us secure quality substitutes. Most county schools are still around the $85 mark with Danville being $95. I would also recommend increasing the official fees from $50 to $60. Many of the county schools have already made this adjustment.
M. Public Comment
N. Adjourn