January 17, 2017 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
A. Call to Order and Roll Call
B. Recognition of Guests/Public Comment
C. Mrs. Smith's Class Presentation (5th Grade)
D. Committee Reports
D.1. Transportation INFO
D.1.a. Committee Meeting February 1st 4:30pm
D.2. Building INFO
D.3. Finance INFO
D.4. Policy ACTION
D.4.a. Second Reading- Policy 93
D.5. Negotiations INFO
D.6. Other Reports INFO
D.6.a. VASE Information
E. Administrative Report INFORMATION
Crystal Johnson will share the administrative update.
E.1. Crystal Johnson
E.2. Heath Kendrick
F. Consent Items Agenda ACTION
G. Seniority List ACTION
H. Donation Tree ACTION
Attached is what we discussed last month in place of the plaque requests received. The price for a tree with 185 leaves is $1,790. The cost of the 272 leave tree is $2,660.00. I would recommend one of those two. We are able to purchase expansion packs for the trees as we receive additional donations. However, my concern with doing this would be the item being discontinued. I think the 185 leaves would last a long time and the 272 would be even longer. I think the front entrance foyer would be an excellent spot for this.
I. Cooperative High School Update ACTION
I.1. Cooperative High School Forum
February 1st 6pm @ Bismarck-Henning February 9th 6pm @ Rossville-Alvin |
I.2. Finance Committee Meeting
J. Closed Session ACTION
K. Personnel ACTION
K.1. Volunteers
K.2. Virginia Thomason- Bookkeeper per Contract
L. Virginia Thomason IMRF Authorized Agent ACTION
Required by IMRF.
M. Public Comment
N. Adjourn