December 12, 2016 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
A. Recognition of Guests/Public Comment
B. Committee Reports
B.1. Building INFO
Updates: We are currently working at getting the lights added as a HLS Amendment. I have been in contact with BLDD and they are completing the process.
B.2. Transportation INFO
We need to schedule a transportation committee meeting. Currently, we have not received any payments this year nor did we receive our last payment for FY16. In total, at the end of December, the state will still owe us $56,269. Of this amount 21,083 is for special education and 35,183 is for regular education transportation. There is no word on when we will receive this money. I have emailed our representatives at the state level to express the importance of districts receiving this money.
Furthermore, this is the last year of our bus lease and they are almost due for new tires. I don't see a point in putting new tires on the busses if we are not going to keep them. Our auditor said that he believes even with the prorated payments it's in our best interest to continue leasing versus buying. I think it would be beneficial to have a transportation meeting to further discuss the lack of revenue and buying versus leasing options. |
B.3. Finance INFO
B.4. Policy ACTION
B.4.a. Residency Policy 7_60
B.4.b. Residency Policy 7_60 Residency Administrative Procedures
B.4.c. Policy Issue Update 93- First Reading
B.5. Negotiations INFO
B.6. Other Reports INFO
C. Administrative Report INFORMATION
Crystal Johnson will share the administrative update.
C.1. Dr. Johnson, Superintendent/Principal Report
C.2. Mr. Kendrick- Curriculum/Special Education Director Report
C.2.a. ELA Curriculum
C.2.b. Special Education Update
D. Teacher/Class Presentation- Miss Miller INFO
E. Third Party Electric Agreement ACTION
Current price per kWh: $0.06241 Offer price per kWh: $0.05645 Projected annual usage: 300,000 kWh Projected annual savings: $1,788 Projected total savings over 36 months: $5,364 I also recommend including our smaller account that is currently with Homefield on the municipal aggregation as this will result in both accounts being contracted with the same supplier and with the same end date.
F. Memorial Request INFO
Steve Layden had memorials made to the school in honor of his wife who passed away recently. A total of approximately $1,300 was donated in her honor. He asked if a plaque could be placed in the media center in her honor. I explained to him that in the past this is not something we have done but I would take his request to the board.
I would not recommend we set precedent of putting memorials throughout the building. Instead I would recommend that we consider a Memorial Tree. Please see the attached picture. We could hang this within the building and add names when donations and memorials are made to the district.
G. High School Memorabilia INFO
The old trophies and other memorabilia are sitting in storage at Mustard Seed. I would recommend we consider finding a permanent solution for the trophies. An idea we had discussed in the past was an online auction which would allow others to purchase the trophies from the school. Discussion.
H. Cooperative High School Update ACTION
Both boards will meet again in January to hold two additional community forums. In the meantime, Mr. Watson and Dr. Johnson will meet to review finances and review the cooperative agreement. The cooperative finance team will meet on December 20th to review finances. I am waiting to hear back from Mr. Watson on possible community forums.
I. Non Renewal of Tri Party Agreement by January 1st ACTION
J. Adopt Resolution: "Shall the Board of Education of School District #1, Vermilion County, Illinois be authorized to enter with into an agreement with School District #7, Vermilion County, Illinois to jointly operate a cooperative high school." ACTION
“Shall the Board of Education of School District #1, Vermilion County, Illinois be authorized to enter with into an agreement with School District #7, Vermilion County, Illinois to jointly operate a cooperative high school.”
K. Consent Items Agenda ACTION
L. Consideration of Levy (Payable in FY 18) ACTION
M. Closed Session ACTION
N. Personnel ACTION
N.1. Volunteers
N.2. Elementary Teacher- Chelsea Foster, Step 0
N.3. Brittani Miller- Drama Club "Play": Step 0
N.4. Brittani Miller- Spelling Team- Step 0
N.5. Jodie Atwood- Step 0- 50% of Step 0
Jodie is interested in the Scholastic Bowl program. There are two teachers for this program and in the past they have only received 50% of the stipend because per contract there is only one individual for this position.
N.6. Phillip Andres- Resignation
O. Public Comment
P. Adjourn