March 14, 2016 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
A. Call to Order and Roll Call
B. Recognition of Guests/Public Comment
C. Committee Reports
C.1. Building INFO
Updates: We are currently working at getting the lights added as a HLS Amendment. I have been in contact with BLDD and they are completing the process.
C.2. Transportation INFO
C.3. Finance INFO
C.4. Policy #91 First Reading ACTION
C.5. Negotiations INFO
C.6. Other Reports INFO
C.6.a. VASE Information
D. Consent Items Agenda ACTION
E. Cooperative High School Update ACTION
F. Closed Session ACTION
G. Maintenance Grant Expenditures ACTION
Attached is the quote for the replacement of doors. They are broken down into three different options. I did not seek a quote for the window replacement but we can have a discussion about whether to proceed with the windows.
My recommendation would be to not expend any additional funds at this time. If we are going to utilize some of the funds I would recommend replacing the doors only and not the windows.
H. Communication from Mustard Seed INFO
Please see the attached letter. I would make the following recommendations:
1. Allow them to continue borrowing the memorabilia currently placed in the former grade school gym. 2. There are some older Smart Boards (probably some of them 7 years old) that are not being utilized. As the teachers prefer the Promethean Boards. I would recommend allowing me to work with Mustard Seed to determine a price in which they could purchase one or possibly two boards. I am not sure on the quality of each board and would like to sell them based on condition. 3. We are in definite need of mulch this spring. I would recommend we order with them.
I. Personnel ACTION
I.1. Volunteers
J. Public Comment
K. Adjourn