August 14, 2017 at 7:00 PM - Committee of the Whole Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Roll Call
IV. Closed Session
The Board will go into Closed Executive Session to discuss employment, compensation, and performance of specific employees of the public body, pursuant to Section 2(c)(1) of the Open Meetings Act, 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1).
V. Return to Open Session
VI. Reading of Communications
VII. Public Comment
VIII. Consent Agenda
VIII.A. Approval of Employment
VIII.A.1. Certified Personnel
VIII.A.1.a. James O'Malley, GWMS, 7th Grade Resource Teacher, $48,250.72, 8/17/17
VIII.A.1.b. Jerica Jurado, GWMS, 6th Grade Math Teacher, $44,143.51, 8/17/17
VIII.A.1.c. Joseph Ganta, Robinson, 4th Grade Teacher, $45,232.08, 8/17/17
VIII.A.1.d. Samantha Alonzo, Lincoln, 1st Grade Teacher, $43,609.08, 8/17/17
VIII.A.1.e. Maxine Gray, GWMS, 7th Grade ELA Teacher, $54,352.59, 8/17/17
VIII.A.1.f. Laura Zablocki, GWMS, Return to Learn/Alternative Classroom Teacher, $43,609.08, 8/17/17
VIII.A.1.g. Nusrean Haddad, GWMS, 6th Grade ELA Teacher, $43,609.08, 8/17/17
VIII.A.1.h. Samantha Linden, GWMS, 6th Grade ELA Teacher, $43,609.08, 8/17/17
VIII.A.1.i. Jennifer Lowe, Home, 5th Grade Teacher, $47,786.78, 8/17/17
VIII.A.2. Support Personnel
VIII.A.2.a. Claudia Munoz, Robinson, Teacher Aide, $11.33/hour, 8/17/17
VIII.A.2.b. Angela Panush, Costello/Home, Teacher Aide, $11.33/hour, 8/17/17
VIII.A.3. Approval of Resignation
VIII.A.3.a. Susan Barankiewicz, GWMS, 6th Grade Teacher, 8/1/17
VIII.A.3.b. Kara Hayward, Home, 5th Grade Teacher, 7/26/17
VIII.A.3.c. Vanessa Jeske, GWMS, 6th Grade ELA Teacher,
VIII.A.3.d. Gregory Micek, Robinson, 4th Grade Teacher, 8/1/17
VIII.A.3.e. Angela Guerrero, Lincoln, Special Education Aide, 7/30/17
VIII.A.3.f. Rosalva Salas, Costello, Lunch Aide, 7/27/17
VIII.A.3.g. Eric Christensen, GWMS, Part-Time Custodian, 7/24/17
VIII.A.3.h. Maria Hernandez, Before & After Care, 8/9/17
IX. Discussion Items
IX.A. Superintendent - Dr. Carol K. Baker
IX.A.1. Institute Plans
IX.A.2. Wellness Dates
IX.A.3. Lions Run/Walk for Hope in Stickney
IX.A.4. Eclipse
IX.A.5. Optional Insurance Offerings Update
IX.B. Business Manager, Dr. Sherry Reynolds Whitaker
IX.B.1. Financial Reports
IX.B.2. Selection of Special Budget Meeting Dates
IX.C. Ryan Grace, Director of Maintenance
IX.C.1. Maintenance Report
IX.D. Board and Superintendent Goals
IX.E. Home School Class Sizes
X. Action Items
X.A. Approval of Administrator Employment Agreement for Curriculum Director
X.B. Approval of Employment Agreement for Curriculum Consultant
X.C. Approval of Board and Superintendent Goals for SY2017-18
X.D. Approval of 2017-2018 Student Handbook
X.E. Approval to Reinstate the Lincoln School Bus Route for the Hazardous Crossing at Ogden Avenue
X.F. Approval of Simplex Grinnel Annual Contract Renewal for Fire-Life Safety Monitoring and Testing
X.G. Approval of Netrix IT Consulting
XI. Adjournment