October 9, 2024 at 6:30 PM - Regular Monthly Meeting
Agenda |
1. Roll Call and Establishment of Quorum: Craig Hartman, Board President
2. Opening Prayer: Candise Kubis, Board Secretary
3. Consent Items:
3.a) Approve the minutes from the Regular Monthly Board Meeting of September 11, 2024.
4. OPEN FORUM - Audience Participation & PUBLIC COMMENT
5.a) Superintendent's Report: Mr. Quick
5.b) Technology Report: Mr. Presnall
5.c) Elementary Principal's Report: Mrs. Sicking
5.d) Secondary Principal's Report: Mr. Sewell
5.e) Counselor's Report: Ms. Newton & Mrs. Reynolds
5.f) Athletic Director's Report: Mr. Carney
5.g) Transportation Report: Mrs. Fleitman
5.h) Business Manager's Report: Leslie Hartman
5.h)1. Tax Report
6.a) Recognize Mrs. Sicking and Mr. Sewell for Principal Appreciation Month this month.
6.b) Review/Discuss Superintendent Evaluation Process for the 2024-2025 school year
7.a) Approve the 2024-2025 Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for the Denton County JJAEP
7.b) Approve the 2024-2025 Yearly Board Calendar
7.c) Review/Approve the 2024-2025 District Improvement Plan
7.d) Review/Approve the 2024-2025 Emergency Operating Procedures.
8. Executive Session The Board may convene in executive session in compliance with the Texas Open Meetings Act §551.074, Personnel; §551.0821 Personally Identifiable Student Information
9. Adjourn