December 12, 2016 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Roll Call: __Burke __Hennen __Malz __Pauly __Pedersen __Vogel __Vollbrecht
Please use the attached Meeting-Mileage Claim form for all reimbursements.
Note: As of 1/1/16, the mileage reimbursement rate is $0.54 / mile.
4. Consideration of Agenda
5. Truth In Taxation Presentation
6. Public Comments
Other than Agenda items (Limit 30 minutes, 5 minutes per speaker). During the public comment part of each regular board meeting, up to 30 minutes of time will be allowed for district constituents to address the board. Each person may have up to 5 minutes of time to speak. This is a time of "listening" by the school board. The board is here to listen only and will not take action or discuss topics brought forward during the open forum. It may, at is discretion, ask questions for clarification of issues. The board may, if it deems appropriate, bring said issues forward at a subsequent meeting. NO PERSONAL ATTACKS WILL BE ALLOWED. The open forum is the only opportunity for members of the audience to speak out during the meeting. Please attach form and follow the guidelines for presenting your topic.
7. Consensus Items
7.1. Minutes
7.2. Monthly Finance Reports
These reports were reviewed at the 11/28/16 Workshop Board Meeting.
7.3. Donations
7.4. Policies
7.4.1. 902: Use of School District Facilities and Equipment - 1st Reading
This is a new policy for JPS and will have 3 readings.
7.4.2. 101: Legal Status of the School District - 1st and Final Reading
These changes reflect updates to the legal and cross references (including changes in statute numbers and/or names, new statutes, rules, or cases), changes to the notes within the policies, and minor corrections.
7.4.3. 208: Development, Adoption, and Implementation of Policies - 1st and Final Reading
7.4.4. 406: Public and Private Personnel Data - 1st and Final Reading
7.4.5. 420: Students and Employees With Sexually Transmitted Infections and Diseases and Certain Other Communicable Diseases and Infectious Conditions - 1st and Final Reading
Adds provision for no cost Hepatitis B vaccinations to employees who have occupational exposure and makes minor grammatical corrections.
7.4.6. 427: Workload Limits for Certain Special Education Teachers - 1st and Final Reading
7.4.7. 506: Student Discipline - 1st and Final Reading
7.4.8. 508: Extended School Year for Certain Students with IEPs - 1st and Final Reading
7.4.9. 509: Enrollment of Nonresident Students - 1st and Final Reading.
Revisions to the termination of enrollment section based on change to compulsory instruction age.
7.4.10. 515: Protection and Privacy of Pupil Records - 1st and Final Reading
7.4.11. 520 Student Surveys - 1st and Final Reading
7.4.12. 525: Violence Prevention - 1st and Final Reading
7.4.13. 530: Immunization Requirements - 1st and Final Reading
7.4.14. 532: Use of Peace Officers and Crisis Teams to Remove Students With IEP's From School Grounds - 1st and Final Reading
Definition of “emergency” amended, use of prone restraints language eliminated, reporting on use of restrictive procedures now required due to legislative change.
7.4.15. 615: Testing Accommodations, Modifications, and Exemptions for IEP's, Section 504 Plans, and LEP Students - 1st and Final Reading
Gives the new location of the current Minnesota Assessments procedures.
7.4.16. 618: Assessment of Student Achievement - 1st and Final Reading
Eliminates references to the Profile of Learning and provides updates based on legislative changes.
7.4.17. 620: Credit for Learning - 1st and Final Reading
Eliminates references to the Profile of Learning.
7.4.18. 707: Transportation of Public School Students - 1st and Final Reading
Paragraph about transportation for pre-kindergarten children with disabilities amended consistent with statutory language.
7.4.19. 805: Waste Reduction and Recycling - 1st and Final Reading
Reflects legislative changes.
7.4.20. 807: Health and Safety - 1st and Final Reading
Note amended to reflect upcoming changes in the law effective for fiscal year 2017.
7.4.21. 905: Advertising - 1st and Final Reading
Amendment to the restrictions on advertising device placement to reflect statutory language.
7.4.22. 416: Drug and Alcohol Testing - 3rd Reading
7.4.23. 417: Chemical Use and Abuse - 3rd Reading
7.4.24. 418: Drug-Free Workplace / Drug-Free School - 3rd Reading
7.4.25. 613: Graduation Requirements - 3rd Reading
7.4.26. 614: School District Testing Plan and Procedure - 3rd Reading
7.5. New Hire - Special Education Paraprofessional - Brenda Kling
7.6. New Hire - Golf Coach - Lance Chambers
7.7. New Hire - Special Education Paraprofessional - Marissa Sotelo
7.8. New Hire - Assistant Girls Basketball Coach - Renae Delamarter
7.9. Resignation - CERC Custodian - Stephen Lehnen
7.10. Resignation - ELS Program Coordinator - Marijean Storlie
7.11. FMLA Request - Erin Hjelmeland
7.12. FMLA Request - Kimberly Pettinelli
7.13. Declaration of Surplus
8. Action Items
8.1. Review and Act on Land Purchase Financing Options
Matt Helgerson's recommendation is to use either the 15 or 20 year payback with level payments and an 8 year call date. He would prefer the 20 year payback due to cash flow purposes, but could make adjustments in the budget to make the 15 year payback feasible.
District Fund Sources: 1. Reallocation of dollars used for wireless financing = $61,720 2. Profits from renting home = $15,600 at $1,300 per month 3. Profits from farmland lease = $7,425 at $225 per acre for 33 acres Total Available: $84,745
8.2. Review and Act on Payroll and Benefits Specialist's Contract 2016-17
8.3. Review and Act on 2017-18 Budget Timeline
8.4. Review and Act on School Mascot Flow Chart
8.5. Review and Act on Wrestling Overnight Field Trip - Rochester
8.6. Review and Act on Wrestling Overnight Field Trip - Fargo Rumble on the Red
9. Board and Administrative Reports
9.1. Superintendent's Report and Enrollment Update
9.2. HS Principal's Report
9.3. MS Principal's Report
9.4. ES Principal's Report
9.5. Activities Director / MS Assistant Principal's Report
9.6. ES Assistant Principal / Director of Teaching and Learning Report
9.7. Community Education Director's Report
9.8. Communications, Marketing, and Event Coordinator's Report
9.9. Nutritional Services Director's Report
9.10. Special Services Director's Report
9.11. Facilities Director's Report
9.12. Technology Director's Report
9.13. School Board Member Reports / Committee Reports
11/21/16: Curriculum and Technology Integration Committee
11/22/16: Joint Powers Meeting 11/28/16: Policy Committee 12/12/16: Policy Committee |
10. Board and Superintendent Comments
11. Adjourn