August 28, 2023 at 5:15 PM - Special Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
1.A. Certify Agenda
1.B. Opening Prayer
1.C. Pledge of Allegiance to U.S. and Texas Flags
2. Open Forum for Public Comment
3. Public Hearing: For the Purpose of Receiving Input on the 2023-24 Budget and Tax Rate
4. Consider Consent Agenda
4.A. Consider Minutes for August 7, 2023, Regular Meeting
4.B. Consider Final 2022-2023 Budget Amendment
5. Action Item:
5.A. Consider Approval to Adopt 2023-2024 Budget
5.B. Consider Approval to Adopt 2023 Tax Rate Resolution
5.C. Consider and Possible Action to Hire an Additional Resource Officer
5.D. Consider and approve an order authorizing the issuance, sale and delivery of Mount Vernon Independent School District Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2023; levying a tax and providing for the security and payment thereof; authorizing the execution and delivery of a purchase contract and a paying agent/registrar agreement relating to such bonds; approving the preparation of an official statement; and enacting other provisions relating thereto.
5.E. Consider and Approve Vendor to Install Fencing at the Elementary
6. Convene to Closed Session for Personnel Matters pursuant to Texas Government Code Section §551.074.
7. Reconvene into Open Session to Consider Matters Discussed in Closed Session.
8. Adjourn