January 20, 2021 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Roll Call
2. Prayer
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Recognition of CISD Board of Trustees: School Board Appreciation Month
5. Public Comment
6. Consent Agenda
6.a) Consider meeting minutes not previously approved
7. Update on current and future capital improvement projects, grant applications, and possible consideration on items relating to this topic.
8. Discussion and possible action to: accept the Application of Bridgelink Cave Springs, LLC for an Appraised Value Limitatin on Qualified Property; authorize the Superintendent to review the Application for completeness and submit to the Comptroller; and authorize the Superintendent to enter into any agreement to extend the deadline for Board action beyond 150 days subject to Board ratification.
9. Discussion and possible action to retain consultants to assist the District in processing of Application from Bridgelink Cave Springs, LLC.
10. Presentation and Consideration of Annual Financial Audit
11. Consideration of COVID Leave Resolution
12. Superintendent's Report
13. Business Manager's Report
14. Consider Budget Amendments
15. Principals' Reports
16. Athletic Director's Report
17. Adjourn