June 21, 2021 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Welcome and Roll Call
2. Recognition of Public Forum Opportunity
3. Consent Agenda
3.A. Board Minutes from Regular Board Meeting on May 17, 2021
3.B. Financial Reports
4. Superintendent's Report
4.A. District Data Points
4.B. Student Withdrawals
4.C. Enrollment
4.D. 2021-2022 District Budget Update and Anticipated Process/Approval Schedule
4.E. COVID Updates and Conclusion of Remote Learning
4.F. Legislative updates
4.G. Update On Student Software to Assure Safe Digital Learning for Schools
5. Discussion/Action Items
5.A. Consideration, Discussion and/or Approval regarding the revised Corporate Authorization Resolution for Incommons Bank adding Erika Chapa as a signer.
5.B. Consideration, Discussion and/or Action to Accept the Audit Engagement Letter from Anderson, Marx & Bohl, P.C.
5.C. Consideration, Discusstion and/or Move to Approve Erika Chapa as Authorized Representative for First Public/Lone Star Investment Pool
5.D. Consideration, Discussion and/or Action to Authorize the Superintendent to Execute the 2021-2022 SSA & Cooperative Contract with ESC Region 12
5.E. Consideration, Discussion and/or Action to Authorize the Superintendent to Approve the Xerox Contract
5.F. Discussion: Action / No Action to consider deleting Board Policy DB(LOCAL)
5.G. Consideration, Discussion and/or Action regarding District Insurance
6. Information Items
6.A. Board Agenda Calendar
7. Executive Session
7.A. Student Issues including Discipline (551.0821)
7.B. Issues Relating to the Appointment, Resignation, Employment, Evaluation, Reassignment, Duties, Discipline, or Dismissal of a Public Officer or employee, or to Hear a Complaint or Charge Against an Officer or Employee (551.074)
7.B.1. Consideration and/or discussion regarding Resignations, Retirement, or Terminations
7.B.2. Consideration and/or discussion regarding Employment (and any others that come after board posting)
8. Return to Open Meeting and Take Any Action Deemed Necessary Upon Discussion in the Closed Meeting
8.A. Student Issues including Discipline
8.B. Issues Relating to the Appointment, Resignation, Employment, Evaluation, Reassignment, Duties, Discipline, or Dismissal of a Public Officer or Employee or to Hear a Complaint or Charge Against an Officer or Employee
8.B.1. Consideration, discussion and/or action regarding Resignations, Retirement, or Terminations
8.B.1.a. Approve employee request to rescind resignation of Jasmine Asberry, high school English teacher
8.B.2. Consideration, discussion and/or action regarding Employment (and any others that come after board posting)
8.B.2.a. Consider Hiring of Principal for Mexia High School and Assistant Principal for R.Q. Sims Intermediate.
9. Adjournment