May 17, 2021 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Welcome and Roll Call
2. Recognition of Public Forum Opportunity
3. Consent Agenda
3.A. Board Minutes from Regular Meeting March 22, 2021
3.B. Board Minutes from Special Meeting March 29, 2021
3.C. Board Minutes from Regular Meeting April 19, 2021
3.D. Board Minutes from Special Meeting April 28, 2021
3.E. Financial Reports
3.E.1. Coca-Cola Contract
4. Superintendent's Report
4.A. Graduation
4.B. Summer School
4.C. Summer Meal Feeding
4.D. COVID Update
4.E. District Data Points
4.F. Student Withdrawals
4.G. Enrollment
4.H. Legislative Updates from 87th Session
4.I. TASB SLI Fort Worth, TX on June 23-26
5. Discussion/Action Items
5.A. Consideration, Discussion and/or Action regarding TASB Update 116
5.B. Consideration, Discussion and/or Action regarding Approval to Change School Calendar
5.C. Consideration, Discussion and/or Action regarding Approval of Issuance of Certificate of Election
5.D. Consideration, Discussion and/or Action regarding Oath of Office and Statement of Elected Officers
5.E. Consideration, Discussion and/or Action regarding Reorganization of Board of Trustees
5.F. Discussion: Action / No Action to approve Malware Bytes 3 year contract >$50K aggregate total
5.G. Consideration, Discussion and/or Move to Approve Mr. Ryder Appleton and Dr. Celia Drews and delete Dr. Lyle Dubus and Dr. Brian Ziemer as Authorized Representatives for First Public/Lone Star Investment Pool
5.H. Face Mask Mandate
6. Information Items
6.A. Freestone Central Appraisal District Tax Summary 2021
6.B. Board Training Credits
6.C. Board Agenda Calendar
6.D. TEA Financial Compliance Division Review Letter
6.E. ESSER III Grant Funds
6.F. April ADA
7. Executive Session
7.A. Student Issues including Discipline (551.0821)
7.B. Issues Relating to the Appointment, Resignation, Employment, Evaluation, Reassignment, Duties, Discipline, or Dismissal of a Public Officer or Employee, or to Hear a Complaint or Charge Against an Officer or Employee (551.074)
7.B.1. Consideration and/or discussion regarding Resignations, Retirement, or Terminations
7.B.2. Consideration and/or discussion regarding Employment (and any others that come after board posting)
7.C. District and campus safety and security CKC(LOCAL), DH(LOCAL) and CKE(LOCAL)
7.C.1. Deliberation to Amend Board Policy and Adopt a Resolution under CKC (LOCAL) i.e. SAFETY PROGRAM/RISK MANAGEMENT/EMERGENCY PLANS and Texas Government Code Sec. 551.076 and 551.089. DELIBERATION REGARDING SECURITY DEVICES OR SECURITY AUDITS; CLOSED MEETING.
7.C.2. Deliberation to update Board Policy DH(LOCAL) i.e. EMPLOYEE STANDARDS OF CONDUCT
8. Return to Open Meeting and Take Any Action Deemed Necessary Upon Discussion in the Closed Meeting
8.A. Student Issues including Discipline
8.B. Issues Relating to the Appointment, Resignation, Employment, Evaluation, Reassignment, Duties, Discipline, or Dismissal of a Public Officer or Employee or to Hear a Complaint or Charge Against an Officer or Employee (551.074)
8.B.1. Consideration, discussion and/or action regarding Resignations, Retirement, or Terminations
8.B.1.a. Consideration to Rescind the Resignation of Lauhra Salazar
8.B.2. Consideration, discussion and/or action regarding Employment (and any others that come after board posting)
8.B.2.a. Consider Hiring for Assistant Superintendent of District Operations, Information & Instructional Technology
8.C. District and campus safety and security CKC(LOCAL), DH(LOCAL) and CKE(LOCAL)
8.C.1. Consideration to Amend Board Policy and Adopt a Resolution under CKC (LOCAL) i.e. SAFETY PROGRAM/RISK MANAGEMENT/EMERGENCY PLANS and Texas Government Code Sec. 551.076 and 551.089. DELIBERATION REGARDING SECURITY DEVICES OR SECURITY AUDITS. CLOSED MEETINGS.
8.C.2. Consideration to update Board Policy DH(LOCAL) i.e. EMPLOYEE STANDARDS OF CONDUCT
9. Adjournment