March 23, 2015 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Welcome, Roll Call, Pledge of Allegiance, Invocation
2. Recognition of Public Forum Opportunity
3. Campus/Department Spotlight
3.A. Student of the Month
3.B. Teacher/Employee of the Month
3.C. Special Programs/Elementary
4. Consent Agenda
4.A. Board Minutes for February 16, 2015 Meeting
4.B. General Operating Checks and Financial Reports, Utility, Tax Reports and Executive Director of Finance Reports
5. Reports
5.A. Assistant Superintendent
5.B. Superintendent
5.B.1. Maintenance Report
5.B.2. Transportation, Vehicle Repairs, and Fuel Report
5.B.3. Discipline Report
5.B.4. Mexia ISD Attendance Report
5.B.5. MISD Police Report
5.B.6. Tax Resale Deed for 208 S. Kaufman
5.B.7. Campus Data Walk
5.B.8. Leadership Conference
5.B.9. Freestone Central Appraisal District Annual Financial Report for 2014
5.B.10. Facilities Committee Meeting Date - March 26, 2015 5:30 PM
5.B.11. Facilities Tour Dates - April 3, 2015; 9 AM, 1 PM, 4:15 PM April 9; 9 AM, 1 PM, 4:15 PM
6. New Business - Discussion/Action Items
6.A. Consideration and/or action regarding adoption of MISD
Calendar for the 2015 – 2016 School Year
6.B. Consideration and/or action regarding the 2015 Media Honor Roll
6.C. Consideration
and/or Action regarding approval of budget amendments for legal fees
6.D. Consideration, Discussion
and/or Action regarding Low Math Benchmark Results in some areas and Plans for
6.E. Consideration and/or
Action regarding suggestion box concerns
6.F. Consideration and/or Action regarding procedures to communicate
responses to suggestion box concerns
6.G. Consideration and/or Action regarding Board Policy FDA Local (Transfer Students)
6.H. Consideration and/or action regarding the contract with Interquest Detection Canines for the 2015 – 2016 School Year
6.I. Consideration and/or action regarding approval of Out-of-State travel for DECA Competition
6.J. Consideration and/or Action regarding approval of Instructional
Materials Allotment and TEKS Certification for School Year 2015-2016
6.K. Consideration and/or Action regarding approval the adoption of textbooks for Proclamation 2015
6.L. Consideration and/or action regarding the Pre-K Program at MISD
6.M. Consideration and/or
action regarding approval of Mexia ISD’s payment percentage of ERATE
6.N. Consideration and/or action regarding Future Board Agenda Items
7. Executive Session
7.A. Consultation with Board Attorney regarding John Simpson and Colby Archibald matters, and
regarding pending or threatened Litigation
7.B. Consider and deliberate the recommendation
by independent hearing officer in Mexia ISD v. John Simpson; TEA Docket
No. 013-LH-12-2014 including oral arguments from the parties.
7.C. Hear Level Three Grievance
of John Simpson and deliberate same.
7.D. Consider and deliberate regarding
Mexia ISD’s Amended Notice of Suspension Without Pay to John Simpson.
7.E. Consider and deliberate termination of probationary teacher
contract (John Simpson)
7.F. Deliberation concerning report and findings and
conclusions of hearing examiner concerning the proposed termination of
Colby Archibald
7.G. Consider
recommendation of MISD Administration concerning the termination of the
contract of Colby Archibald.
7.H. Hear
Level Three Grievance of Colby Archibald and deliberate same.
7.I. Student Issues Including Student Transfers - Deliberating a Matter
Regarding a Public School Student if Personally Identifiable Information
about the Student will Necessarily be Revealed by the Deliberation
7.J. Issues Relating to the Appointment, Employment, Evaluation,
Reassignment, Duties, Discipline, or Dismissal of a Public Officer or
Employee, or to Hear a Complaint or Charge Against an Officer or
Employee (551.074)
7.J.1. Consideration regarding Administrator Term Contracts and Non-Certified Administrators (Renewals)
8. Return to Open Meeting and Take Any Action Deemed Necessary Upon Discussion in the Closed Meeting
8.A. Consider and take possible action on the recommendation
by independent hearing officer in Mexia ISD v. John Simpson; TEA Docket
No. 013-LH-12-2014.
8.B. Take possible action
related to Level Three Grievance of John Simpson.
8.C. Consider and take possible action regarding Mexia ISD’s
Amended Notice of Suspension Without Pay to John Simpson.
8.D. Consider and take possible action on termination of
probationary teacher contract (John Simpson).
8.E. Consider and take possible action on the report and
findings and conclusions of hearing examiner concerning the proposed
termination of Colby Archibald.
8.F. Consider and take possible action to terminate the
contract of Colby Archibald.
8.G. Take possible action
related to Level Three Grievance of Colby Archibald.
8.H. Student Issues Including Student Transfers - Deliberating a Matter
Regarding a Public School Student if Personally Identifiable Information
about the Student will Necessarily be Revealed by the Deliberation
8.I. Issues Relating to the Appointment, Employment, Evaluation,
Reassignment, Duties, Discipline, or Dismissal of a Public Officer or
Employee, or to Hear a Complaint or Charge Against an Officer or
Employee (551.074)
8.I.1. Consideration regarding Administrator Term Contracts and Non-Certified Administrators (Renewals)
9. Adjournment