February 16, 2015 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Welcome, Roll Call, Pledge of Allegiance, Invocation
2. Recognition of Public Forum Opportunity
3. Campus/Department Spotlight
4. Consent Agenda
4.A. Board Minutes for January 26, 2015
4.B. General Operating Checks and Financial Reports, Utility, Tax Reports and Executive Director of Finance Reports
5. Reports
5.A. Assistant Superintendent
5.A.1. Benchmark Results - District Wide
5.A.2. Ace Update
5.A.3. System 44 at McBay
5.B. Superintendent
5.B.1. Maintenance Report
5.B.2. Transportation, Vehicle Repairs, and Fuel Report
5.B.3. Discipline Report
5.B.4. Mexia ISD Attendance Report
5.B.5. MISD Police Report
5.B.6. Ensuring staff understand and utilize data –
PLC’s scheduled to begin in March. Principals must meet regularly to discuss
ongoing data for student achievement to improve
5.B.7. Civic and social leadership/character ed, safe
environment – Have presentations scheduled for Lions Club, Rotary, Masonic
5.B.8. Building a sense of belonging and trust –
Faculty Advisory meetings
5.B.9. Facilities update – See agenda items A and B
5.B.10. Assessment and improvement system for student
learning – Benchmarks were scheduled and given
5.B.11. Student services, discipline, health,
extracurricular – Mrs. Killingsworth has been to several trainings and turned
around training in the area of student services; Discipline reports available
monthly; Check out website for nurses report; UIL events scheduled and
Mexia participates
5.B.12. Staff development – See agenda item regarding 3
year plan; Mrs. McKee was in the district last week training and meeting with
administrators to increase their leadership capacity
5.B.13. Facilities/Operations/Monitoring Efficiency –
Concerns from Faculty Advisory given to Mr. Minter who addresses them
immediately unless something requires time and research into the project
5.B.14. Budget development/monitoring – Board receives a
monthly report
5.B.15. HR management, recruitment, staffing,
compensation benefits – Had two hearings on employees; Heard and responded to
two grievances; posting for Elem. Teacher; proactive posting for Science
Teacher at DC; proactive posting to take applications for future possibilities
5.B.16. Communications with Board – Conversations at
forums; text messages, face to face with several this week; one-on-one with Mr.
Kendall this week. Weekly update and emails.
5.B.17. Communications with Others – Facebook postings
regarding Forums; Email to Faculty/Staff; Meeting with Faculty Advisory;
Meeting with District Site-Based; Radio All Call Message to Bus Drivers,
Maintenance, Custodians to have a great day on Friday, 13th
6. New Business - Discussion/Action Items
Consideration and/or action regarding approval of
maintenance loan at different rate with the bank
6.B. Consideration
and/or action regarding approval of an order calling a bond election in the Mexia
Independent School District
Consideration and/or
action regarding 3 year District Staff Development Plan
Consideration and/or
action regarding adoption of a new Physical Therapy Contract
6.E. Consideration and/or
action regarding Retire/Rehire surcharge practice
6.F. Consideration and/or Action regarding approval of budget
6.G. Consideration and/or Action regarding approval of budget
amendments for legal fees
6.H. Future Board Agenda Items
7. Executive Session
7.A. Issues Relating to the Appointment, Employment, Evaluation,
Reassignment, Duties, Discipline, or Dismissal of a Public Officer or
Employee, or to Hear a Complaint or Charge Against an Officer or
Employee (551.074)
7.B. Student Issues Including Student Transfers - Deliberating a Matter
Regarding a Public School Student if Personally Identifiable Information
about the Student will Necessarily be Revealed by the Deliberation
7.C. Superintendent Performance Evaluation, Contract, Compensation and Date to begin approved raise (551.074)
8. Return to Open Meeting and Take Any Action Deemed Necessary Upon Discussion in the Closed Meeting
8.A. Issues Relating to the Appointment, Employment, Evaluation,
Reassignment, Duties, Discipline, or Dismissal of a Public Officer or
Employee, or to Hear a Complaint or Charge Against an Officer or
Employee (551.074)
8.B. Student Issues Including Student Transfers - Deliberating a Matter
Regarding a Public School Student if Personally Identifiable Information
about the Student will Necessarily be Revealed by the Deliberation
8.C. Superintendent Performance Evaluation, Contract, Compensation and Date to begin approved raise (551.074)
9. Adjournment