July 15, 2014 at 6:00 PM - Special Meeting
Agenda |
1. Welcome and Roll Call
2. New Business
2.A. Consider and act regarding the
Proposed Nonrenewal of Teacher Ronda Brewer’s employment contract
3. Executive Session
3.A. Consultation with attorney
regarding pending employment matter (Texas Gov’t Code § 551.071)
Personnel Matters (Texas Gov’t Code
§ 551.074)
Hearing involving school district
employee(s) (Texas Gov’t Code § 551.082)
3.A.1. Consider and act regarding the
Proposed Nonrenewal of Teacher Ronda Brewer’s employment contract
4. Return to Open Meeting and Take Any Action Deemed Necessary Upon Discussion in the Closed Meeting
4.A. Consultation with attorney
regarding pending employment matter (Texas Gov’t Code § 551.071)
Personnel Matters (Texas Gov’t Code
§ 551.074)
Hearing involving school district
employee(s) (Texas Gov’t Code § 551.082)
4.A.1. Consider and act regarding the
Proposed Nonrenewal of Teacher Ronda Brewer’s employment contract
5. Adjournment