April 21, 2021 at 4:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. In accordance with Minnesota Statutes 13D.021, members of the public may attend this meeting in person or virtually. Physical distancing and face masks are required to attend in person. Due to the current health pandemic, persons may monitor this meeting from a remote location by conference call - Phone: 1-614-758-9287 PIN: 555 549 766#
2. Call the Meeting to Order
It is the recommendation of the Superintendent to call the meeting to order.
Roll Call Arnhalt ____________ Ernst ____________ Hasbargen ____________ Johnson ____________ Mikkelson ____________ Neppl ____________ Roberts ____________ Ex-officio members: Finkral ___________ Ohm ___________ |
2.A. Pledge of Allegiance
2.B. School Happenings
3. Approval of Agenda
Administration recommends to approve the agenda as presented.
Motion ______________ Second ______________ Vote ______________ Roll Call (if needed) Arnhalt _____ Ernst _____ Hasbargen _____ Johnson _____ Mikkelson _____ Neppl _____ Roberts _____ |
4. Public Input
4.A. Public comment for school board meetings may be submitted to affieldc@breckenridge.k12.mn.us by 2:00 p.m. the day before the meeting.
5. Approval of Consent Agenda
Motion is needed to approve the consent agenda.
Motion ______________ Second ______________ Vote ______________ |
5.A. Minutes
5.B. Financials
5.B.1. Financial Report & Bills
5.B.2. Contingent Account
5.C. Hires
5.C.1. Toviao Hopkins, Special Education Instructor
5.C.2. Grace Ruckheim, Agriculture Education Instructor
5.C.3. Darcie Cribb, Elementary Track Coordinator
5.C.4. Austin Ramos, Jr. High Baseball Coach (.5)
5.D. Resignations
5.D.1. Chelsy Filbert, Para Substitute
5.D.2. Mary Beth Peterson, Twin Town Softball Coordinator
5.D.3. Kimberly Quast, Student Council Co-Advisor
5.D.4. Emily Mertes, Student Council Co-Advisor
5.E. Leave of Absence
5.E.1. Kimberly Quast, BHS Counselor
5.F. Extra Curricular Contract
5.F.1. Margaret Wilson, Assistant Softball Coach
5.G. Enrollment
6. Communications
6.A. Superintendent
6.B. Business Manager
6.C. Elementary Principal
6.D. High School Principal
6.E. Ex-officio Student Representatives
6.F. Committee Reports
7. Old Business
7.A. Community Engagement Meeting Follow up
Administration will provide a follow up on the community engagement meeting in regard to the levy renewal.
7.B. Adopt Policies - 610, 613, 614, 615, 616, 618, 619, 620, 624, 902, 905
Motion to adopt the following policies that have had first and second readings.
Policy 610 Field Trips Policy 613 Graduation Requirements Policy 614 School District Testing Plan and Procedure Policy 615 Testing Accomodations, Modifications, and Exemptions for IEPs, Section 504 Plans, and LEP Students Policy 616 School District System Accountability Policy 618 Assessment of Student Achievement Policy 619 Staff Development for Standards Policy 620 Credit for Learning Policy 624 Online Learning Options Policy 902 Use of School District Facilities and Equipment Policy 905 Advertising Motion ______________ Second ______________ Vote ______________
7.C. Policies Second Reading - 301, 302, 303, 416
Enclosed are the following policies for second reading:
Policy 301 School District Acministration Policy 302 Superintendent Policy 303 Superintendent Selection Policy 416 Drug and Alcohol Testing
8. New Business
8.A. Resolution Accepting Donations
Motion is needed to accept donations received this past month.
Motion ______________ Second ______________ Vote ______________
8.B. Curriculum Review Cycle
Motion is needed approve the revised currciulum review cycle. Miriam Tobola will attend the meeting to present information on the curriculum review cycle. A PDF of the information is included as well as a link to the curriculum cycle.
Breck Curriculum Cycle (5-year) Motion ______________ Second ______________ Vote ______________
8.C. GASB 75
An actuary cost analysis in connection with GASB 75 is required to be done this year. The estimated costs of providing post-employment healthcare retirement benefits need to be reported in the audit report. We have more than 100 plan participants so we are required to hire an actuary to calculate costs. A proposal has been received from USI Consulting Group, Inc. (USICG formerly Hildi Inc.) for $2,200. This is the same firm that we used in 2019 and the cost was $2,400 at that time. This is required to be done every two years.
Motion ______________ Second ______________ Vote ______________
8.D. Health Insurance Transparency Act Bid Process
Discussion and possible motion in connection with the HITA bid process.
Motion ______________ Second ______________ Vote ______________ |
8.E. Contracts Settlements
Motion to approve the contract settlements for the Bus Drivers, Stephanie Beyer, and Dee Nelson. Settlement summary is enclosed for review.
Motion ______________ Second ______________ Vote ______________
8.F. Superintendent Contract
Motion to approve the Superintendent contract with Brad Strand. The contract will be added to BoardBook.
Motion ______________ Second ______________ Vote ______________ |
8.G. Teacher Negotiations
The District has received a request to open negotiations with the Education Minnesota Breckenridge Local 1299 Teacher Union for a contract for 2021/2022 and 2022/2023. The date of the initial meeting will be determined by mutual agreement and will not be scheduled until after the legislative session is done.
Motion ______________ Second ______________ Vote ______________
8.H. Policies First Reading - 701, 702, 703, 710, 711, 712, 713, 720, 802, 805, 807
Enclosed are the following policies for first reading:
Policy 701 Establishment and Adoption of School District Budget Policy 702 Accounting Policy 703 Annual Audit Policy 710 Extracurricular Transportation Policy 711 Video Recording on School Buses Policy 712 Video Surveillance Other Than on Buses Policy 713 Student Activity Accounting Policy 720 Vending Machines Policy 802 Disposition of Obsolete Equipment and Material Policy 805 Waste Reduction and Recycling Policy 807 Health and Safety Policy
9. Adjournment
Action Adjourned at __________________
Motion ______________ Second______________ Vote ______________ NOTES: Regular meeting: Wednesday, May 19, 2021 @ 4:00 PM Regular meeting: Wednesday, June 16, 2021 @ 7:00 AM Staff Development: 2020 - Sep 24-Ty, Oct 22-Justin, Nov 19-??, Dec 19-??, 2021 - Jan 28-Marc, Feb 25-Clayton, Mar 25-Brett, Apr 22-Steve, May 13-Shawn, May 27-?? - Thursday @ 7:15 AM @ BES #233 - please switch with someone if you cannot attend your assigned date VISION STATEMENT: Breckenridge Pride ... Inspiring to Excel! MISSION STATEMENT: We are devoted to providing personalized learning through challenging, relevant and dynamic experiences in a safe environment where mutual respect is fostered and builders of the future are developed. |